Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Huh? It's 52 degrees today. That IS warm!!

OMG YOU ARE RIGHT! Today it was 56!! SO WARM!!
It was 27 degrees this morning and from how the leaves looked on the apple trees I don't think we are going to have a very good crop this year.

This afternoon is supposed to reach 62 and into the upper 70's by midweek. I need to install my electric poultry fence today so the rainbow flock can range there rather than my garden. I need to start working up the garden and it is a little difficult with the birds staying right in front of the rototiller.

I just remembered that David has my tiller so I better give him a call. It seems like every time I start to do something he has the tool or implement I need. Just one more example of the joys of parenthood.
It was 27 degrees this morning and from how the leaves looked on the apple trees I don't think we are going to have a very good crop this year.

This afternoon is supposed to reach 62 and into the upper 70's by midweek. I need to install my electric poultry fence today so the rainbow flock can range there rather than my garden. I need to start working up the garden and it is a little difficult with the birds staying right in front of the rototiller.

I just remembered that David has my tiller so I better give him a call. It seems like every time I start to do something he has the tool or implement I need. Just one more example of the joys of parenthood.
One year it was -60 then 20....i went outside in a T-shirt and played in the snow all day long

Aw, well hope the weather warms so you can have a good crop!
I am not very optimistic about the fruit harvest. The 80 weather we had in March really messed up everything. The treesd all blossomed and then the temperature dropped to below normal. Plus add in the fact that it was too cold for bees I rather doubt if much pollination occurred.

Taprock on the Michigan thread posted this saying it made them think of me.
Today is going to be a very long day. I agreed to take my son David south while my son Joe drives north. Originally Joe had planned to leave from St Louis and we would have meet around Indianapolis. However, he is still home, 4 hour further west, and won't be able to leave until later this morning. That should result in our not meeting until St Louis. That's a 10 or 11 hour drive from here which will result in my having a total drive of 20 hours. I'm much too old for that much continuous driving so I will probably have to stop and sleep on the return.

Since Joe is unable to do any physically demanding work due to his shoulder injury David is going to help him. I sure appreciate that they are so close and willing to help each other. When I here of families that barely tolerate each other I am very glad and I guess the few demands they ask of this old man are a small price to pay.
hope the drive went without a hitch Sam.

There is double trouble in the rhea field now. Fingers crossed the rain stays off and lets them do their thing!!

It was nice to see Joe even if it was just for a few minutes. He brought me two ice chests full of pork so the trip had an added benefit.

Because of Granny I have a handicap plate on my truck, however, after 16 hours behind the wheel I'm sure that anyone seeing me get out of the truck believed it was issued for me.
Glad you had a safe trip and some bonus meat to boot! Now if I had a freezer that big, I would go for it.

Made a boo boo on my HE washer, used the regular Tide detergent instead of the HE detergent........sudsville and a mess cleaning up. I hope I didnt ruin the washer...its only a year and half old.

Just another experience to remember as you are getting old, need reading glasses to see the small icon HE on those bottles! At least I didn't burn a batch of M&M cookies when I was younger, thinking one cup of M&M wasn't enough, so I dumped the whole bag in there......oops. Like the detergent, more isn't better!

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