Open incubator, don't open it, float test, don't float test . . . help?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 18, 2014
This is day 17. Because of a faulty thermometer, these eggs were incubated at about 89 degrees F. for the first three days. Fron then on (after I got a new thermometer), they've been at 99-100 and about 50 percent humidity, which I increased to 60 percent three days ago. I also stopped turning them at that time.

I'm dying to know if I have any living birds, due to their rough start. I keep reading advice on here to not touch them or open the incubator after day 14 . . . but also that candling or floating is a good way to weed out duds.

I did float right at 14 days and three eggs wiggled. I'm dying to do it again. Looking for permission, I guess? ;). The eggs are just lying there.
I would leave them in the turner to the end.I have much better hatches this way.Patience don't keep opening the bator and losing humidity and temp when you don't need to.
In N.H.,Tony.
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Oh, and they aren't in a turner. I've been turning them by hand. Everything I've read says to stop turning a few days before hatch?
By hand maybe you should stop.I have an automatic turner that I use in mine and my hatches are better leaving them in.But turning by hand I guess you would have to stop so you don't crush them.
In N.H.,Tony.
You have to stop turning them, no matter if they're being turned by hand or not. Expect them to hatch 3 days late. You can do a float test, but that may affect them. I would just wait until day 20 before float testing.
I agree with Joe, I don't like to float because this late in the game the shell should be passing air thru the pores. Imagine being all crammed in there and someone puts you in water...then if you dry them you'll wash off the bloom...

Waiting is your best option...

Good Luck
One just hatched, two hours short of finishing its 18th day of incubation. I don't see any pips on the others, but this was really fast. I'm sure I looked in there about an hour ago, and saw nothing. The next time I looked, I spied an empty shell right away . . . had to look around for the little chick. :)

If I get two, I will be happy. I feel like I'm lucky with one, since my temps were so off at first. :) I do want this one to have a friend, though.
experience says you'll have others, often If you'll shine a bright light on them you can make out hairline cracks before the pip, where the little fellers are squirming around in there, those usually hatch.

I usually get a few then about 6 hours or so they'll start going like popcorn,after thats over, then finally a couple stragglers.

so your hatch sounds normal to me.

How many you got cooking?
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Just twelve, but showed bright light when candled a few days ago. I marked and kept them, just in case I was wrong.

Thanks for sharing the wisdom of your experience. Another has pipped now. My kids are over the moon about it! :)

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