open sesame

You must give them grit, too, for whole grains and treats (except scrambled eggs, etc.).

If you see my BYC page, I feed seeds and grains. But I wait until 6 weeks to give them my mix. I do offer some seeds (tiny ones, like hulled sunflower seeds) as treats around 4 weeks, but not as young as two weeks. I feed organic chick starter until 6 weeks of age.

Sesame seeds are REALLY tiny, though. I haven't tried feeding them due to the expense. If I had some I might be tempted to feed them at two weeks, sure!
I start mine on ground sesame and flax seeds sprinkled over their feed at two weeks. I also give them a box of sand at that point, as well.

It's best to get the next type of sand, not play sand, but all purpose or construction sand, as it has tiny little bits of granite and small pebbles in it.

But yes, a 50 lb bag of all purpose sand at Lowe's or Home Depot is about 3 bucks. That's enough for a nice dust bathing box in the yard when they get bigger, AND lots of little quarter cups full for grit while they're inside in the brooders.

It's best to get the next type of sand, not play sand, but all purpose or construction sand, as it has tiny little bits of granite and small pebbles in it.

But yes, a 50 lb bag of all purpose sand at Lowe's or Home Depot is about 3 bucks. That's enough for a nice dust bathing box in the yard when they get bigger, AND lots of little quarter cups full for grit while they're inside in the brooders.

Thanks for the info!
I do use play sand and haven't had a problem. But then mine also start going outside for a bit a few times a week at about 4 weeks old. Assuming the daytime temps are good, of course. They don't get whole seeds or other treats until they are a few weeks old. The ground seeds are fine enough that the sand works well for them.

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