Operation Rehab...is there any hope for her?

I'm going to try the salt soaks!....Hopefully it will help her, will give an update tonight!
Update...with pics! Ling is still improving, every single day! Still not using that leg to walk but I can see she is using it alot more in the pool which is a good thing right? She is such a darn sweetheart! Here are some pictures of her today....about a week after I rescued her! And a video of her in the kiddie pool (excuse the mucky water....suprisingly that was cleaned and refilled this morning lol)

Hey mom!

She uses her tail to keep her balance

Here's the video of her in the pool
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Aww, that is so wonderful. I bet she is just so happy. And she really looks better. I think you are over the worst of it and if you keep plugging away you will make even bigger strides with her. Congratulations.
WOW and you trust your dog that close? My dogs are around my ducks /chickens/ goose all the time but i don't know how they would react if one was to try and cuddle. LOL Cute pic.

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