Operation Rehab...is there any hope for her?

Wow just stumbled on to this thread and read it from beginning to end,such a great story and she looks to be thriving with your brilliant care. I my self am an animal lover and your story makes me feel all warm and fuzzy! Lol well done you for being such a wonderful person :D
Aww how precious, it's so nice when they have a friend.
There relationship is so funny.....we just got him 2 days ago and it was instant as soon as he saw her. He won't lay by her all the time when everybody is out together but he will run over and check on her every now and then and when the others get smart and think about picking on her he will run over and chase them away lol. I don't let anybody pick on her though. I'm usually not too far from her when they are out together, I don't trust the gander lol
Yeah, I'd be a bit nervous that he might try mating her and hurt her undoing some of the progress you made. But maybe he senses her frailty and will just be her protector. He is beautiful. That is a really sweet picture.
That is so cute!!!!!Im so happy for ling.She looks so content.LOVE to see her with her new buddy.MY HATS OFF TO YOU,YOU HAVE DONE A AWESOME JOB WITH HER.Keep us updated!!!
I am having Ling withdrawals. Where is today's update?????????????
Sorry guys lol Ling is getting better and better day by day! She walks more and more each day which is SO amazing! She's a spunky little girl now. I can see that she's growing now, and she has most of her feathers back! Hard to believe it's only been a couple weeks! Will post some new pictures of her tomorrow
Here's one picture from today...I need to get pics when she's dry lol she looks 100x better!
She loves my boxer Reeko, wherever he was laying she would waddle up next to him

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