Opinion on BYMs?

And are the last pics of a splash Araucana? That’s what he was told and but I’m thinking it’s more likely she’s an EE?
A splash ameraucana is only going to breed true by breeding two splash, blue to blue, splash to blue or blue to black(maybe). Anyway, it will result in a white bird with blue splashing. Anything else is going to be a result of something else entering the gene pool, which would include EExEE
If the laced birds pics are the mothers they are dark cornish which is a laced breed they are a double laced.
So I don’t think these two have hatched any chicks but my dad was under the impression an australorp hatched them. I’m thinking he may have gotten them mixed up with some other chickens. He’s at over 100 birds so it would be easy to do.
A splash ameraucana is only going to breed true by breeding two splash, blue to blue, splash to blue or blue to black(maybe). Anyway, it will result in a white bird with blue splashing. Anything else is going to be a result of something else entering the gene pool, which would include EExEE
Thank you! I knew Araucanas were harder to come by and I figured she probably wasn’t an Ameraucana either but she’s a cute little thing.
Thank you! I knew they looked like a breed but couldn’t figure out what. I’m not in the business of telling my dad he’s wrong about chickens but I just wanted to satisfy my curiosity!
No, Dad knows best but yes, they are definitely dark Cornish hens. Someone could have dropped them off or given them to him and he just forgot.

Dark Cornish look a lot different from Barnevelders, but have the same color pattern, so many people mix them up.

The white one is not splash. It's the same pattern as an Austra white or California white, that results from incomplete Dominant white gene, I believe.
No, Dad knows best but yes, they are definitely dark Cornish hens. Someone could have dropped them off or given them to him and he just forgot.

Dark Cornish look a lot different from Barnevelders, but have the same color pattern, so many people mix them up.

The white one is not splash. It's the same pattern as an Austra white or California white, that results from incomplete Dominant white gene, I believe.
After looking into dark Cornish, I have zero doubt that it is correct. It was their body shape that led me to believe it was not a mixed breed chicken I was looking at.

The white one will have to remain a mystery. Shes one of very few white birds on the farm, but some chickens have been known to literally cross the road between their place and a neighboring farm that also has many free range chickens.

I have learned lots from reading your responses. I appreciate you taking the time to explain to me what you’re seeing!
No, Dad knows best but yes, they are definitely dark Cornish hens. Someone could have dropped them off or given them to him and he just forgot.

Dark Cornish look a lot different from Barnevelders, but have the same color pattern, so many people mix them up.

The white one is not splash. It's the same pattern as an Austra white or California white, that results from incomplete Dominant white gene, I believe.

The white hen’s pattern is called paint, and she looks like some sort of Easter egger or leghorn mix.
Do you mind sharing what is the difference between splash and paint visually? While I understand they are different genetics involved, I’m not sure when I google pictures I can see the difference.
Paints are white with black spots, and splashes are an off-white, almost light gray, with blue (dark gray) spots.

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