Opinions needed on ventilation/restricting access inside shed coop

You know, I'm unsure whether he believes me or not. I did not witness the usual eye roll, so either he truly did believe me...or he's just used to the silly things I say!
Also, I need feedback on adding ventilation. The last owner did add ridge vent; however, they then tarpapered over the top of it

Personally, I would remove the tarpaper and properly shingle the cap. It's hard to tell from your picture but it looks like you have the type of ridge vent that just gets shingled over. It's an easy fix and if you don't think you have the knowledge or skills most lumber yards are willing to instruct you on how to do it or try looking for a video on-line. I would add more vents elsewhere also, but the ridge is where I'd start, heat goes up and it will get very hot.
I've got a properly installed ridge vent in another coop of mine, and truth be told, I don't notice any difference from that coop to another of the same size without the ridge vent. I was really disappointed in that. But, I guess every little bit DOES help as far as ventilation. Thanks for the tip - it's a good idea, and yeppers, I've roofed many a roof before so it would be an easy job.
Flaps. On the inside, hinged. With a stick hanging down (like off a screw eye) to let you manipulate them without a ladder. No biggie

Good luck, have fun,


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