opinions on my lil motley crew?


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 7, 2012
Tremont, Illinois
I've spent a lot of time reading through posts on breed and gender, so thanks in advance for all the GREAT information around here!

Now I'll just trying throwing this out there...

This is the younger 1/2 of my flock. They are quite the motley little crew! I'm not 100% sure the breeds were accurate, but I'm okay with however it turns out - just looking for opinions.

I hatched all of these chicks - the oldest was a single hatch from a badly shaken/damaged group of eggs. The younger ones were a hatch of 4 from 5 eggs. One died at 2 days old, so these are the remaining 3. They are all 4 quite skittish, even though I hatched them all and have held and spent time with them every day (except for the 3 days we went out of town!!) since they were born.

This is the single hatch, Uno. Claimed to be a Lemon Cuckoo Orpington egg, but doesn't look the part to me. You can see how dark it is in the full body shot above. It was badly attacked at 4 weeks old and I nursed back to health, then successfully integrated into a flock of babies 4 weeks younger. It is 10 weeks old today.... girl? Buff?

This is the biggest of the babes. Always been the top chicken in the group, definitely a leader and definitely the biggest of the three that hatched together. Also claimed to be a Lemon Cuckoo Orpington. Not a great picture as this one really hates me to be anywhere near it. You can see the coloring difference really well in the group shot above. It is much lighter than the older chick. It is 6 weeks old here. Boy? Lemon Cuckoo?

Next are the twins. Born within 30 minutes of each other and pretty much identical in looks and personality. They are inseparable and if you pick up one, the other screams at you!! They are 6 weeks old, hatched at the same time as the Lemon above, but they look much smaller and scrawnier. Told they were Lavender Orpington eggs... girls? boys? Lavenders?

Twin #1

Twin #1 head shot

Twin #2 head shot

Looking forward to opinions!
Thanks all!
The two Lemon Cuckoo look like cockerels to me. The Lavenders look like 1- boy 2- girl. I'm no expert though, and good quality Oprs can be tricky because they mature slowly.

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