Oppossum - predator or pest?


confidently clueless
13 Years
Jan 15, 2007
Shepherdstown, WV
Well, I just learned something new here. I had no idea a racoon would kill a chicken.
Do opposums kill chickens? Or go after the eggs only?

I've been trying to figure what crawled up a 6' chain link fence and killed one of our hens last Fall.
I hadn't thought either would kill/gut a chicken and thought maybe a fox, but I don't think they can climb chain link.
The entire area is covered with chicken wire as a 'roof', but there were a couple of gaps here and there. (closed up since)

I've found black snakes in the coop (twice :mad: yuuk!) but they seemed interested in eggs only, so I guess they fall in the category of pest.

So do opposums fall under category of predator or pest?
Well folks! I've just got to post. I had something tearing into my cages repeatedly killing my birds. I went to Home Depot and bought a live bait trap. I think I paid about $40 plus for it. This has been a life saver for my backyard flock. I had lost so many birds. For the two years that I have had this trap I have caught 18 raccoons, 7 skunks, and Lord only knows how many Oppossums. Probably 100! No joking! I have not had another break in since I have been baiting my trap and using it to relocate and destroy these critters. Some people may not consider this a nice thing to do, but hey, it beats having your birds destroyed after you've worked so hard with them. I have a lot invested in my birds and I am not going to stand by and let them be eaten by all these type wild critters. Some of you might want to try this technique. I bait the trap with any kind of meat scraps, ham, etc. It works everytime. JP
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Well, since none of the critters you are catching in your trap are indangered species I definately feel that the SSS Pest Control system is a great way to go and does the general public a service.

The biggest predator we've had as far as killing our chickens is possums, and we live in the woods. They are bad once you get one after yours, cause they just keep coming back, and they will kill and eat the bird right in front of all the others; they don't carry it off. That's one way to tell what kind of predator killed your birds if you're trying to figure it out after the fact; skunks will do this sometimes, too. We found that low light ( a dim bulb left on close to where the flock roosts) and playing a radio softly during the night, as well as visiting the barn at night once or twice, helps to deter possums.
From what you say, definately it was a possum that killed Legs (I now know she was a dark cornish).
I'm going out now to make sure all the little gaps in my chicken wire coop 'ceiling' are closed up tight.
if your chicken was drug over the fence....I'd say racoon.... Possums just can't carry very much....they'll drag it, or eat it on site, but I'd find it hard that it took a chicken over a chain link fence. JMHO>


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