Oprah at the beef packing plant-Feb 1

I bet some would find that as animal abuse. Can't make everybody happy you know.

I don't think she said HER eggs are laid to music, I think she was asking "what if the conditions were ideal, small farm, nice surroundings, etc". I don't think she was referring to herself.

But anyone who sees playing music for chickens as abuse would be off their rocker.

PS: And notice even the Vegan agreed that those eggs would be fine if the conditions were good?

the poor chickens ears, it could make them go deaf, and they may not be able to sleep

Nah.... she didn't portray it that way at all. It was a to-each-his-own attitude. Again, I'm not even an Oprah fan in particular, but I don't think she approved or disapproved of any of it. She just showed coverage of both sides in a unbiased manner.

Even back in the "I'll never eat a hamburger" days, she never told anyone else not to eat it. It's the American public who choose to mimic whatever Oprah does.... so I agree, that says a lot about America and TV influence, but not Oprah.
I don't think she said HER eggs are laid to music, I think she was asking "what if the conditions were ideal, small farm, nice surroundings, etc". I don't think she was referring to herself.

But anyone who sees playing music for chickens as abuse would be off their rocker.

PS: And notice even the Vegan agreed that those eggs would be fine if the conditions were good?

the poor chickens ears, it could make them go deaf, and they may not be able to sleep


I just watched through the packing plant part and thought it was pretty good. It didn't dwell on any one particularly grisly aspect of the slaughter and it did show the grind and the fabrication side so I think it was fairly unbiased. It wasn't an ADVERTISEMENT for beef with sizzling steaks and burgers. I've been vegan so not sure I'll learn much from the rest of it but will have a look.
I've seen the show and I thought it was tastefully done and well versed. Even the reporter was visiblibly upset but restrained herself. It is much different than the one we send a friend's cow and pigs to the butcher, alot of noise.

Kudos to Cargill for letting us look at the facilities. And the most humane possible for the cattle and quickest death that they didn't know what happened. All too quick I am sure.

As for vegans, not a bad idea to have a day or two of it, it might benefit us who love to eat meat.
Made through about half the show.
It seemed pretty unbiased until I listened to the vegan comparing eating fast food to an alcoholic with alcohol.
I've tried those veggis burgers and they were nasty. That's my opinion.

I was also glad to hear that Temple designed the alleyway. She is well respected for her designs in cattle handling equipment.
It totally varies product to product. I've had lots of people say "Oh no, I tried a veggie dog once and it was awful", and I'm like, "Sure, I've tried brands that are awful too." There's real meat hot dog brands that people don't like either. There's good products by Boca and Morningstar, and certain products by both of those brands that I don't like. Then there's a lot of other brands out there too, it just varies by the individual product in my opinion. Also, a lot of times people don't know how to cook vegetarian stuff because they're used to cooking meat. People tend to overcook veggie burgers for example not realizing they only need to be heated slightly and then wonder why they're 'tough'.

Funny side story, I make a vegetarian chili (I am a vegetarian, have been for 25 years) and I always give my dad a big jar of it to take home. He loves it and thinks it's so thoughtful of me to go out and buy REAL hamburger just for him. He has NO idea it's fake, and just don't have the heart to tell him. I also gave my plow guy a jar of chili several years ago and he brought it home and the next time said his wife asked for the recipe. They were both shocked to discover it was vegetarian, they had no idea the meat was fake.
I was flipping and came across the show. I watched much of it,and ds watch the meat packing part.Suprisingly he asked for his spicey meat right after. I did think the plant part was very interesting. I think it is a good thing for all to see.Just that people need to remember that not every place that grows and kills animals does it very nice. The undercover hbo film about the pig farm here in Ohio is once such place where they tortured the pigs of all ages.I had a hard time watching that.

Not sure on the age though. I recall reading a thread once where a school took elemetary kids to a meat packer,but parents were under the impression the kids were going to a farm.That I would be mad about.

If it were not so expensive I would want more of those animal free foods. I want that veg spread and that cheese.

Oh yea the boca burgers are decent. I make those for dd and me instead of frying cow meat with a side of fries.All the grease on the sotve and in the meats drives me nuts.
tortured the pigs of all ages

For all that believe that, please send me $1000 for the downpayment on your bridge to no where. Yes, American farmers are a sadistic bunch that take great pleasure in torturing animals of all sizes and species.

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