Orange Tabby...He Stays and His Name is Finn (Update with Videos Dec 31)

We've added a couple new members to our family...

The little gray guy is Bam Bam and the black is a girl named Pip. They sure liven things up!
We've added a couple new members to our family...

The little gray guy is Bam Bam and the black is a girl named Pip. They sure liven things up!

Awwwww! I love gray cats! I fed a stray cat for about 2 years here until he was killed by something, we believe. He came around for about a year before we began putting out food for him. I called him Ghost because if he saw you looking at him, POOF! He vanished. He was gray with some white. I love smoky gray cats so much. They're adorable, Debby!


Thanks Cyn! Bam Bam is a handsome guy and so affectionate. The little girl, Pip, is much bolder and a bit feisty. We hadn't really planned on getting animals right now but one of DH's employees came in one day with the gray kitten and said he couldn't keep him (a family member was allergic) so we took him right away. He seemed kind of lost without any litter mates so the guy came back the next day with the black one. I'm sure glad we have them, they are a lot of company.

The gray guy you had for a while, Ghost, was a good looking cat.

I have to tell you once again how much I've enjoyed your "cat tails"!
Finn worried us this morning. He came in around 1:30 a.m., not unusual, then went back out. Usually, he comes in two or three times before 6 a.m. By 6:30 a.m., no sign of him. I was still in bed but I heard DH quietly calling for him. I realize that he didn't answer as he usually does and couldn't go back to sleep. By 7 a.m., no Finn. It was starting be become a tiny bit lighter, we both called and watched across the pasture, where he usually comes from after a night of hunting. No Finn. By 7:30 a.m., still no Finn. So, at around 7:50 a.m., DH decided to get in the car and drive down the road to see if he saw him, hopefully not dead in the road. He was gone about 15 minutes, then parked the car and went walking back toward the driveway gate. I called out, "No luck?" He said he saw Finn walking down the road in our little alcove in a distance headed toward home and then, when he got to the road that led up to our place, he started to sprint up the hill, so DH turned around and drove back. Finn came across the corner of the property, trotting and meowing, then he'd stop and look over his shoulder behind him. It seemed like maybe he'd been laying low and hiding from something.

We've had a HUGE coyote pack that has been decimating the deer population in our area as well as taking poultry and small dogs and cats, 25+ individuals, all within two miles or so of our place. Everyone is talking about them and trying to give them all lead sleeping pills when they're sighted. Most are mangy and nasty looking, plus there are some healthy loners as well. A guy was here day before yesterday who said he shot 8 coyotes out of a group who were killing a fawn in his yard. So, you can see we were very worried, though we had not heard any cats in distress or any yotes or foxes overnight.

My exhausted kitty. He could barely keep his eyes open.

Hey, @N F C how are your new babies?
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I know keeping him in is not an option for an outside cat but I wish there was some way you could keep him inside your perimeter fence. How does he get out? Under the gate?

He goes over the driveway gate or through the 4" wide squares of the livestock fencing. There's no way to contain him in the fence. If he can get back into the perimeter fence, he has plenty of places to hide. He also is fast as lightning and shoots up a tree in one second flat, but I'm afraid he'll be surrounded by a pack.
Rare night. Finn slept inside all night long. Very odd. Before I knew that, as I was dozing right before dawn, I heard the coyote pack yipping not far away. May be the explanation for his behavior yesterday and last night.

Caught him doing his high-wire act today. First it was the kitchen counter, a definite no-no. Got him down twice, then he got on my ironing board I had brought into the great room temporarily. So, I dumped his kitty kiester (sp?) outside.

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Cyn, so glad Finn used his cat-smarts to keep away from the coyotes! Sounds like you all have more than your share of them this year.

Thanks for asking about Bam and Pip. They have grown so MUCH, especially Bam Bam. I need to get some updated photos of them. Love those little cats, they have added so much pleasure to our home

Next month they go in for neutering. Not sure they'll be loving us for that but they'll get over it.

@N F C Debby, I wouldn't have an unneutered pet. We did breed AKC Dobermans when I was a kid, but hubby and I have neutered every dog (and now, cat) we've gotten as adults. They were all "pound puppies" anyway.
Yep, unless someone is breeding something "special', neutering is the way to go. The world already has too many animals in shelters (or roaming loose).

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