Orange Tabby...He Stays and His Name is Finn (Update with Videos Dec 31)

You'll love this one. We had some thunder awhile ago. Finn was sleeping on a camp chair on the deck, snoozing peacefully. When the thunder rumbled loudly, he shot around the deck, down the stairs and disappeared. When we began to look for him a few minutes later, we found him stretched out sleeping under the Honda CRV on the gravel turnaround. I guess he figured that nasty rumbling monster couldn't get him under a heavy vehicle.
You'll love this one. We had some thunder awhile ago. Finn was sleeping on a camp chair on the deck, snoozing peacefully. When the thunder rumbled loudly, he shot around the deck, down the stairs and disappeared. When we began to look for him a few minutes later, we found him stretched out sleeping under the Honda CRV on the gravel turnaround. I guess he figured that nasty rumbling monster couldn't get him under a heavy vehicle.
Finn scared us this a.m. He was in, then out and about 6:30 a.m., heard a fox bark twice. Started calling him. Called for two hours, no Finn. Finally, he appeared in the driveway and he's inside now. He was probably hunkered down hiding.

I WANT MY FENCE BACK UP. Guy has been messing around, started cleaning the fence line, left w/o finishing so I can't put my back perimeter up again yet. He was here Tuesday, messed with the fire where he's burning stumps and left after two hours, said he'd be back Friday to start smoothing it out in prep for hydroseeding. Didn't show and today, here will be showers on and off so probably won't see him until next week when temps will be hotter. A livestock fence won't stop a fox or coyote, but they'd be slowed a few seconds as they get over it and that might be all Finn needs since he's fast as lightning. I'm ready for this land job to be OVER. Gave him a Labor Day deadline and he may stretch it out that long. I sure hope not. I want my pasture seeded and want it all settled and I want to get on with things other than thinking about this deal.
I'm glad to hear Finn is ok! He has quite a fan club now and we want to keep him around for a good long time.

What, he hasn't finished your fence line yet? That's so aggravating having to wait on someone that just is in no hurry. I hope you don't have to use him for any other jobs.
I'm glad to hear Finn is ok! He has quite a fan club now and we want to keep him around for a good long time.

What, he hasn't finished your fence line yet? That's so aggravating having to wait on someone that just is in no hurry. I hope you don't have to use him for any other jobs.

Well, we might want him to make a pad for us to put one of those metal carport things on. Our vehicles are in the open like most on modest mountain properties. But, it really depends on the cost and if he can even commit to doing it. He is housing manager for the Cherokee reservation just north of Murphy, NC and has a farm, does this kind of work all the time. I know he's had some family troubles over the past few months and we get that, but he could have finished the fence line in ten minutes this past Tuesday.
It does sound as though he has a lot on his plate. But still, that only covers a person for so long.

We have our car in the open too. We got one of those carport things and DH filled it up with some of this tools. The rest of his tools filled up my potting shed. I'm afraid if we put up any other structures the man will just get more tools.
Bad kitty. Found on someone's violin case, right on the velvet protector cover. Shame on Finn.

Look at him - sooo happy! It's very obvious that he is spoiled rotten cat and is living very comfortably with the speckledhen family! I love it when kitties are found in a place they shouldn't be but they give you that sweet , innocent, happy look. They know they are loved.

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