Orange Tabby...He Stays and His Name is Finn (Update with Videos Dec 31)

Already, there is another Finn story. Life is never dull with that cat around. I was building my rock wall today, gardening gloves to protect my poor abused hands and they got wet. So, on my way to the house to do something, I dropped them in the yard on the edge of a rock seating area and later, as I came back out, Finn was messing with them. I scooped them up, said something like, "Ok, Finn, gimme back my gloves", pushed my right hand into the glove and felt something soft and roundish in the little finger. I pushed briefly, then removed the glove and shook it to dump out whatever the heck it was in there. Out fell....what do you think it was? Guess, go on, guess.
A live rodent?
Ding, ding, ding, we have a WINNER! Out of my glove dropped a little, very much the worse for wear, meadow vole! Poor thing took refuge in my glove to get away from his tormentor! Ick and double ick!



I'm not a cat person, but I am beginning to be a fan of this boy.
My husband is not a cat person, either, and frankly, neither am I, but Finn has been quite entertaining to live with.
Ding, ding, ding, we have a WINNER! Out of my glove dropped a little, very much the worse for wear, meadow vole! Poor thing took refuge in my glove to get away from his tormentor! Ick and double ick!

My husband is not a cat person, either, and frankly, neither am I, but Finn has been quite entertaining to live with.

Hhhhm, I confess to never having seen a Meadow Vole before ... Google to the rescue .. aaaaw, cute!

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