Orange Tabby...He Stays and His Name is Finn (Update with Videos Dec 31)

I don't know about anyone else, but that guy's picture in the upper right corner (the one impersonating Elf on a Shelf) is creeping me out...going to have to push him into the background!

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lol .. yeah, I am pleased to see something different in the upper corner

Loving the Finn stories!

I wanted to share this with you guys, being cat lovers .... I got such a scare yesterday, the adrenaline is still pumping and I keep seeing it over and over in my head.
As I have mentioned in the past, we have two indoor cats who have an outdoor run; they are fixed, vaccinated, microchipped, do not wander, do not annoy the neighbours, wildlife etc. They have no experience with cars and the big world outside. They do, however, like to sit at the windows or front and back doors and watch the world go by. They have never tried to bolt out the doors when you open them.
Across the road’s cat, not so much! While he was only recently fixed, he wanders the neighbourhood, stalks the chickens, lays in our front garden, driveway etc taunting Syba and Chimee.
So yesterday after putting the chickens to bed, I open the front door to walk in and Chimee bolts out the door and towards the car in the carport. I did not know that across the road's cat was sitting under our car. I tried to call Chimee back and when their cat spotted me he raced up the driveway, across the road and into his driveway, Chimee followed him!
When she got to the other side of the road, having no experience with cars up close, when a car came towards her, she panicked and ran back across the road, right in front of another car coming the other way! It just missed her!
Hubby and son came running out to my calls of panic and we found her hiding behind next door’s water tank .. when she saw her Dad, she came out and was safe and sound, back in the house quickly.
I cannot get the vision of how close I came to losing her out of my head! I am so grateful to the driver of the car who I think saw her and a panicked me and reacted in time.
Across the road should also be grateful because I swear if I had watched my sweet little girl be run over I would not be surprised if I did not punch them! I am still tempted to go over there and tell them to keep their cat under control and out of our yard.

Chimee definitely used one of her nine lives yesterday ... so did the neighbours who I would have been close to killing!

I can imagine how much that scared you!

Finn isn't feeling well today. I think it started last night when he draped himself across me on the couch and completely sacked out until DH carried him to his heated condo outside on the deck. This morning, when he didn't come to the door by 5:30 a.m., husband checked and Finn was still curled up in his house, didn't come out when called, so he pulled him out, brought him inside. He wouldn't eat or drink and has been sleeping on the couch ever since. His expression says he feels crappy.

Was it the Feline4 shot that did this? It didn't affect him last year at all. I suspect these shots last much longer than they say they do. I may skip that part next year and get only his rabies. Would never skip rabies around here. I hope he's okay.
Hope Finn is up and hunting again soon. Hate to think the little fellow is feeling low.
Hope Finn is up and hunting again soon. Hate to think the little fellow is feeling low.

Me, too. He was such a perfect kitty at the vet yesterday and I hate to think we did this to the big guy with that nasty shot.
I'd leave him in the house, but he's never used a litter box, always been one to ask to go outside when he had to. His condo is very toasty, though, so if we have to go somewhere, he'd be okay in there, as long as his little double bowl is full of water and food. But, he's not eating today at all so far. Most days he eats before 5 a.m. I hope our handsome orange kitty is okay by the end of the day. He needs his flea drops but I won't put anything on him until he snaps out of this.

BTW, if anyone uses those Sentry drops that Walmart sold, DONT. They almost killed Ladyhawk's two cats and there are hundreds of complaints about them online. Finn had them one month without incident, but I threw out the rest and got something different after hers suffered seizures from it.
Is it possible it wasn't the shot, but maybe something he ate that's got him down?
Good morning Cyn, sorry to hear that Finn is not feeling well. If it is any consolation, Roux has the same experience after he gets his shots. He is not himself for about 24-48 hours. He acts like he has one of his famous "squirrel hangovers" and does nothing but sleep and isn't interested in eating. Chances are Finn is experiencing the same thing. After all he and Roux are twins.

Oh, and I want to second the warning on the Sentry drops. Five or six years ago we were out of Revolution and I honestly did not feel like paying the exhorbitant price our vet charges for it so I thought what the heck, I will just get some of those flea/tick drops from Walmart. Within 30 minutes of putting them on our indoor kitty, Bogey, she started acting like she was ramping up to a full blown seizure! I grabbed her and jumped in the shower and sat with her on my lap while I washed the residue of the drops off. Thankfully, she was fine. I mentioned this to our vet and she said that it is a shame that product is still on the market as it has caused thousands of needless deaths. She said that it does not effect all cats that way but it can be deadly to those who have a sensitivity to it. Scary stuff!
Good morning Cyn, sorry to hear that Finn is not feeling well. If it is any consolation, Roux has the same experience after he gets his shots. He is not himself for about 24-48 hours. He acts like he has one of his famous "squirrel hangovers" and does nothing but sleep and isn't interested in eating. Chances are Finn is experiencing the same thing. After all he and Roux are twins.

Oh, and I want to second the warning on the Sentry drops. Five or six years ago we were out of Revolution and I honestly did not feel like paying the exhorbitant price our vet charges for it so I thought what the heck, I will just get some of those flea/tick drops from Walmart. Within 30 minutes of putting them on our indoor kitty, Bogey, she started acting like she was ramping up to a full blown seizure! I grabbed her and jumped in the shower and sat with her on my lap while I washed the residue of the drops off. Thankfully, she was fine. I mentioned this to our vet and she said that it is a shame that product is still on the market as it has caused thousands of needless deaths. She said that it does not effect all cats that way but it can be deadly to those who have a sensitivity to it. Scary stuff!

He finally has removed himself from the couch, ate some food and gone outside. I think it's finally wearing off. I remember the dogs would act off after their yearly shots sometimes but Finn was fine last year so I didn't really expect it would affect him this year, either. Thanks for telling me about Roux.

That Sentry is really bad. LH only gave each of her cats 1/2 the ampule of it and they were bad off for days. They say get it off as quickly as possible. It even burns the skin badly on some. It should be off the market!

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