Orange Tabby...He Stays and His Name is Finn (Update with Videos Dec 31)

Yay!!!! Glad he is feeling better!!
Yay!!!! Glad he is feeling better!!

Me, too! I was worried there for a bit. I don't feel so great myself today, not sure why or what the deal is, but I'll live. I'm just happy Finn seems to be snapping out of it. He's a good kitty.

Angela, I wanted to tell you that I really, really like that candy cane coffee you sent me! The hint of mint is so subtle and the coffee is so smooth, I get me a cup or two at night to relax.
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Thanks again everyone for your kind words regarding Chimee. I know it is silly but I am still a bit ‘sick’ about the whole thing and can not get the image out of my head. I can not imagine what a mess I would be if she was actually hit and I saw it. I am so very lucky to still have her.

I also hate to think of Finn being unwell and I am so pleased that it sounds like he is returning to his old self. My first thought when I was reading was the shot but it could also just be that he was feeling a little tired after his big adventure, trip to the Vet etc.

Hope you are feeling better soon also speckledhen.
Thanks again everyone for your kind words regarding Chimee. I know it is silly but I am still a bit ‘sick’ about the whole thing and can not get the image out of my head. I can not imagine what a mess I would be if she was actually hit and I saw it. I am so very lucky to still have her.

I also hate to think of Finn being unwell and I am so pleased that it sounds like he is returning to his old self. My first thought when I was reading was the shot but it could also just be that he was feeling a little tired after his big adventure, trip to the Vet etc.

Hope you are feeling better soon also speckledhen.

Finn is definitely coming out of it now. He's eating and wanting to go outside again and his eyes look better.

As far as me, I've been feeling weird and dizzy/ headachey and off-kilter all day. Not sure what the deal is, almost like you do after a bout with the flu but I haven't had the flu, never get it. Probably just an off day.
Finn is definitely coming out of it now. He's eating and wanting to go outside again and his eyes look better.

As far as me, I've been feeling weird and dizzy/ headachey and off-kilter all day. Not sure what the deal is, almost like you do after a bout with the flu but I haven't had the flu, never get it. Probably just an off day.

Just found this thread and enjoyed reading about Finn and seeing his pictures.

I hope you are feeling better. Something about your post struck me as sounding so similar to something I read on the internet so I wanted to just throw this out there: Do you have a carbon monoxide detector in your home?

From the CDC website: "common symptoms of CO poisoning are headache, dizziness, weakness, upset stomach, vomiting, chest pain, and confusion. CO symptoms are often described as “flu-like.”"

I really hope all was is well, but the phrasing of your post just struck a chord and made me feel that I should mention it, with this being winter and people heating their homes and everything.
Just found this thread and enjoyed reading about Finn and seeing his pictures.

I hope you are feeling better. Something about your post struck me as sounding so similar to something I read on the internet so I wanted to just throw this out there: Do you have a carbon monoxide detector in your home?

From the CDC website: "common symptoms of CO poisoning are headache, dizziness, weakness, upset stomach, vomiting, chest pain, and confusion. CO symptoms are often described as “flu-like.”"

I really hope all was is well, but the phrasing of your post just struck a chord and made me feel that I should mention it, with this being winter and people heating their homes and everything.

Thanks for joining the thread. Yes, we do have a CO detector. I appreciate you mentioning that. My husband is not affected so it seems it's just me.
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That BP is in normal range - good. I guess you and Finn just had a "sinking spell" today! (what my Mother used to say)
Haha, I remember that term "sinking spell"! Guess my mother probably said it, too, or maybe a grandmother, don't recall. My mom had quite a few expressions that I laugh at now. She used to say, "What in the Sam Hill???" I thought Sam Hill was a relative since her maiden name was really Hill. And I was always "crusin' for a bruisin'" when I was trying her patience. Then, there was the, "You're going to send me right to Milledgeville!". There is a mental institution in Milledgeville, Ga, but I didn't know that as a child. And when I'd waste time, she's say I was "astling (sp?) around", pronounced "ASSelling". Not sure where she got that one.

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