Orange Tabby...He Stays and His Name is Finn (Update with Videos Dec 31)

Me, too! I was worried there for a bit. I don't feel so great myself today, not sure why or what the deal is, but I'll live. I'm just happy Finn seems to be snapping out of it. He's a good kitty.

Angela, I wanted to tell you that I really, really like that candy cane coffee you sent me! The hint of mint is so subtle and the coffee is so smooth, I get me a cup or two at night to relax.

I hope that tomorrow is a better day for you and you get back to feeling great!

Woo hoo!! I am so happy that you like the coffee!! It is my all time favorite. I cannot for the life of me figure out why they do not make it available all year round? Apparently someone bought up some and is selling it on Amazon for 36.85 for an 18 pack. When it becomes available again this November I might stock up and sell it on Ebay. LOL
Haha, I remember that term "sinking spell"! Guess my mother probably said it, too, or maybe a grandmother, don't recall. My mom had quite a few expressions that I laugh at now. She used to say, "What in the Sam Hill???" I thought Sam Hill was a relative since her maiden name was really Hill. And I was always "crusin' for a bruisin'" when I was trying her patience. Then, there was the, "You're going to send me right to Milledgeville!". There is a mental institution in Milledgeville, Ga, but I didn't know that as a child. And when I'd waste time, she's say I was "astling (sp?) around", pronounced "ASSelling". Not sure where she got that one.

I remember "cruisin' for a bruisin' " and "Sam Hill", lol. Think I might have heard both of those more than my share

ETA: Good to hear Finn is feeling better. How are you today?
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I remember "cruisin' for a bruisin' " and "Sam Hill", lol. Think I might have heard both of those more than my share

ETA: Good to hear Finn is feeling better. How are you today?

I am barely up yet, just getting my first cup of coffee, but I hope I'm better; I think so, thanks for asking. I don't like to lose an entire day to "weirdness". My ankle hurts and needs a brace this morning, but that's my usual periodic creakiness left over from the break and having to sport "bionic" parts, i.e., titanium plate and screws.

Haha, I love your new avatar.
I am barely up yet, just getting my first cup of coffee, but I hope I'm better; I think so, thanks for asking. I don't like to lose an entire day to "weirdness". My ankle hurts and needs a brace this morning, but that's my usual periodic creakiness left over from the break and having to sport "bionic" parts, i.e., titanium plate and screws.

Haha, I love your new avatar.

Thanks on the avatar, it makes me laugh. I like to change mine up quite a bit. I guess some women change their hairstyles...I change my avatar, lol.

This must be the day for creakiness, you with your ankle and me with my back. I was digging in the garden beds yesterday and wondered if that would be a problem. Got my answer this morning, the answer was "yes".

Here's hoping for a creak-day for both us!
BAD CAT! BAD, BAD, BAAAAAAD! The one place he really, REALLY isn't supposed to be, my craft room. One door was shut but I guess the other one wasn't fully latched and he found a way in. I was looking all over for him, knew he was in the house, even went through that room searching for the bad kitty. The second go-round, I spotted him, sitting like a king on a throne, completely self-satisfied. Geez. This is a quilt about to go up for SALE! I don't want cats on my quilts, darn it. Oooh, that darn cat!

LOL!! Finn thought your quilt needed the finishing touch of a few cat hairs. Now, it is ready for you to sell!
He's so darn bad. Now, he's in my recliner, my chair where I crochet. Good grief, he goes EVERYWHERE. And if I complain, I am chastised by his owner, you-know-who. I'm so mean to the pooooooor kitty.

You can market it as "approved by an expert" and ask more for it!

I'm sure that will fly.
Ooops .. while I totally understand why you do not want him in your Craft Room .. being able to guarantee from a pet hair and smoking free home etc and yes, he is a very naughty boy .. I confess to still having a chuckle.

Nothing in our house belongs to us .. it all belongs to the cats who are kind enough to let us share

As the quilt was to go up for sale, tell Finn that it is now his and he will have to pay for it by short changing on his biscuits and doing extra chores [rodent extermination]
Finn will no longer go into his heated condo. One night when DH was taking his sleepy cat out to the house, as usual, Finn suddenly resisted and hissed, looked inside and since then, refuses to sleep in it. Nothing was in there at that time but something must have gone into his house on the deck, maybe even stuck around for awhile. We moved the little a-frame condo to the other side of the deck and wrapped his heated blanket around the small pet carrier, put a different bed in it and I hope he'll use that. He needs a warm place to sleep at night because he is not a litter box kitty and he interrupts our sleep to have him in the house (how do you do it? He wakes me up, messing around in the house all night).

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