Orange Tabby...He Stays and His Name is Finn (Update with Videos Dec 31)

Cat-Hater bought Finn a couch. That's right, his own couch. Supposedly impregnated with catnip, who knows if it's really true, certainly overpriced though at Big Lots, but now, he can be a true couch kitty. That stuffed animal, I call "Lambie-Pie", belonged to one of my parents' toy poodles. Found it in the basement. If you squeeze its hindquarters, it will baaaaah-baaaah. Finn will often beat up Lambie-Pie in the morning when I'm still in bed. BAAAAH-baaaaah-BAAAAAAH-baaaaah, on and on and least he's lost his electronic mouse somewhere.

OMG! Too cute!!
New Finn story. I was reading in bed when DH comes in and turns on the light. He has something in his arms. It's a baby bunny. It's snuggling against him, petrified. He told me he saw Finn chasing the rabbit around and around the yard, the poor bunny is screaming with fright. Finn would put his paw on it and stop it, then let it go, playing with it, poor baby so scared of that evil orange striped predator (he should be-Finn has eaten at least three in the last week).

When it saw my husband, the baby rabbit ran to him, right to him, and DH just bent down and picked it up and it hid its face in the crook of his arm. When we took it back out, I had to go down and pick up Finn to bring him in the house so he would not see where we released the rabbit. It peered over DH's arm, saw the cat and quickly buried its face back in his arm. But, I grabbed Mr. Finn and brought him in the house, much to his disappointment and the baby rabbit was taken to the perimeter fence and let go. Hopefully, at least this one will escape the jaws of kitty death.
You know how cats are drawn to quilts, right? If you don't, well, they are. I have to keep my craft room door closed 24/7 against the orange striped hair depositor. So, I decided to whip out a mini-quilt just for Mr. Finn. I put two layers of batting in it for extra "poof" and here it is, complete with resident mouser. Just used some scraps in bright colors and one quilt block that had no home for the center.

You know how cats are drawn to quilts, right? If you don't, well, they are. I have to keep my craft room door closed 24/7 against the orange striped hair depositor. So, I decided to whip out a mini-quilt just for Mr. Finn. I put two layers of batting in it for extra "poof" and here it is, complete with resident mouser. Just used some scraps in bright colors and one quilt block that had no home for the center.

Aaaw that is so sweet .. is that look he has on his face his way of saying "Mine, mine, mine and about time too"? lol
Aaaw that is so sweet .. is that look he has on his face his way of saying "Mine, mine, mine and about time too"? lol

He'll take what you give him and then, he'll abscond with more. Silly thing.

He was out with my big hen, Ida, and her two 7 week old chicks. He'd lay about 3 ft from them, just watching. If Ida looked too hard at him, he'd decide to move further away. He's a smart guy-only took a couple of tangles with a broody mama to teach him that chicks are off-limits. Any other bird, however, is fair game. He came walking up from the back forty yesterday with something in his mouth and laid it at our feet. It was a white-breasted nuthatch. He had to pluck that one off a tree since that's what they do, go up and down tree trunks. That was rare, though. He likes to kill lizards more than anything, mice second, then when he can, he brings baby rabbits home for a rousing game of tag (if they don't die of fright before they get up here).

ETA: We just came in from outside and DH burst out laughing. This is what he saw.

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He'll take what you give him and then, he'll abscond with more. Silly thing.

He was out with my big hen, Ida, and her two 7 week old chicks. He'd lay about 3 ft from them, just watching. If Ida looked too hard at him, he'd decide to move further away. He's a smart guy-only took a couple of tangles with a broody mama to teach him that chicks are off-limits. Any other bird, however, is fair game. He came walking up from the back forty yesterday with something in his mouth and laid it at our feet. It was a white-breasted nuthatch. He had to pluck that one off a tree since that's what they do, go up and down tree trunks. That was rare, though. He likes to kill lizards more than anything, mice second, then when he can, he brings baby rabbits home for a rousing game of tag (if they don't die of fright before they get up here).

ETA: We just came in from outside and DH burst out laughing. This is what he saw.

All he is missing is the tv remote, lol. I'd say that's one satisfied looking cat! Nice job on the mini-quilt.

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