Orange Tabby...He Stays and His Name is Finn (Update with Videos Dec 31)

What a sweet looking kitty!! I found a stray cat a few years ago in front of a gas station... he was a buff tabby and he was a amazing cat! I had to leave him when I moved to WV though :(
Too bad you had to leave him! Orange tabbies just have the sweetest personalities. We are pretty attached to Finn now.
More game camera pics of Finn and that ratty black cat. It looks really thin, doesn't it? It was here last night raowing in the deck. Finn doesn't seem to fight with it, but I hoped to catch them together on the camera to see how they interact with each other, if they do.

These were two different days, the first one was him coming to the house last night and the second was him leaving that day DH found him outside the back door. Of course, I have no idea if it's male or female but it's probably looking to see if there is food in Finn's outside bowl (rarely unless we are going off for the afternoon during his suppertime).

There was a possum, too, but I accidentally deleted it.
Poor kitty - it looks so thin, especially compared to well-fed Finn.
Poor kitty - it looks so thin, especially compared to well-fed Finn.
There is plenty of game around here. Finn catches several mice most nights and night before last, caught and ate most of another rabbit. So, makes me wonder why this other cat is so thin. Either he/she is ill or just not a great hunter? Finn eats very little actual cat food, though he gets a couple of handfuls a day in his bowl, just in case he hasn't eaten overnight. But you can see he's in good weight and energy.

ETA: and as I was typing, he was tapping on my shoulder lightly. So this is what I see when I finally turn around. I was lying down for awhile, hence the unmade bed-I got up too early today and ran out of steam in the heat.

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Maybe it was abandoned and doesn't know how to hunt. Or if it got fleas from catching rodents, it could have tapeworm.

It could have any number of issues. It's been around here for awhile. Even when I didn't see it, I've heard it. Its voice is much different than Finn's. I could trap it, but Animal Control wouldn't take it, most likely. Can't afford to vet it myself.

I could feed it, but I don't want to encourage it to hang around Finn simply because I'm not sure what's wrong with it. Eventually, some coyote or fox will catch it, I bet, poor thing.
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Awww..... he looks like he is sleeping off a big kill from last night. Rabbit hangover???

Probably. He's been killing at least one a day for a couple of weeks, though I didn't find any remains in our usual walking path this morning. He finds a nest of growing bunnies and just starts picking them off one by one, it seems like. Some just die of fright because he likes to "play" with the poor babies.

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