Orange Tabby...He Stays and His Name is Finn (Update with Videos Dec 31)

He was sick for about a week. He was throwing up daily, sleeping all day long, very lethargic, not hunting. You could see in his eyes that he did not feel well. At first we thought it was the heat, then maybe he got hold of something nasty or poisonous, then I decided maybe he had developed a problem with the dry food he was eating so we started feeding him some canned food, which seemed to help his stomach somewhat. He snapped out of it just as we were about to take him to the vet. I changed his dry food and the chickens get the remainder of the other cat food in little amounts added to their scratch mix over time. I really am not sure what the cause was but it's over now and he's back to killing stuff.
Oh my goodness! I am so glad he is feeling better. I know how much he has come to mean to you and Tom and it would be horrible if something happened to him. I guess there is always that possibility of them eating something that doesn't agree with them when they are a roaming, hunting outdoor cat though.
Oh my goodness! I am so glad he is feeling better. I know how much he has come to mean to you and Tom and it would be horrible if something happened to him. I guess there is always that possibility of them eating something that doesn't agree with them when they are a roaming, hunting outdoor cat though.

Obviously, I have no way to control what he gets when he's out there. Neighbors may put out poison for rats or even poisoned cat food if he's been a bother (though he stays closer to home lately, seems to me). No telling what he ingested. Or it could have just been his food not sitting well. Hard to say. He's had all the proper shots, but that nasty black cat keeps coming around and there's no telling what's wrong with him/her. I see him on the game camera going up and down our driveway all the time.
Caught nasty black cat on video. YouTube is slow to process it, but it will be up soon. *well,maybe. Too many issues with uploading

And game camera photos. One has the exact same time stamp on the same day, like Finn was going down the driveway and flipped around when he heard something.

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