Orange Tabby...He Stays and His Name is Finn (Update with Videos Dec 31)

Aww poor kitty!

My animals always profit from each other's killings lol I think the cat kills mice and voles and such but then the dog steals them! The cat doesn't eat them though, just leaves them around. And I was gonna say sometimes I think the cat takes the dog's killings but I don't think she does because I think the dog just eats them rather than leaving them lol

And my girls found a dead mouse once and ate it
Poor Finn. He brought a mouse up in front of the coops to play with before he ate it. Hector, my BR rooster, came trotting over with his girls and was giving the cat the side-eye. Then, he swooped in, grabbed the mouse, beat it and broke its back and gave it to his hens. Thief!

Too funny Cyn :gig
Finn was sleeping well...too well. He slept from 11 p.m. until 8:15 this morning and I said something was wrong. He was in an outside chair on the deck. I went out to check him over. He looked rough. His flea collar was gone. Then, I saw the blood. The backs of both front legs are completely scraped up and bloody, like he got caught and was trying to escape. I can't see other wounds. We washed him a little and sprayed some Theracyn on him that we had in the house (okay on cats, not at strong as Vetericyn, but that was in the barn) and let him go back outside to rest. I have no idea what really happened, but we may end up having to take him to the vet so the wounds don't get infected, depends on how they look later. He was throwing hair all over the place, too. Poor guy looks completely drained. Have to go buy groceries and will see how he is when we get back. Too bad he won't stay in the house and use a litter box or I'd corral that boy right now.
Oh, that's awful! I hope it wasn't a coyote attack. Get better soon, Finn. :hugs
It did not appear to be a predator attack. It was like he was caught on something, but the flea collars break away. Why he'd have to seriously scrape the skin off the back of his front legs, I have no idea.

ETA: I saw him on game camera on the deck going out at about 1:45 a.m. and a glimpse of his back legs around 3:30 a.m. and I could see he was already injured then.
Maybe he got hit by a car and has road rash? Or is it bite wounds?

I dont think so. Seems he'd have other wounds than just the back of his front legs and his flea collar gone. No bites that I can see. We have him upside down trying to treat his scrapes and he didn't scratch either of us, though he struggled and meowed pitifully.
Pics as best I could get them. He was suspicious and would not lay still.
Aaaaw, poor baby! :(

I am also leaning towards him getting stuck and scrambling repeatedly to get himself unstuck, scraping his legs in the process.

You have probably already done this, but I would be looking around the property in 'high' places to see if the flea collar is still hanging somewhere or on the ground; that might give you a clue to what happened.

Give the special little man a big hug from me :hugs
I have not checked for his collar. We've had over 2" of rain today and overnight. It's been insane how much wet we've had. So much wet and mud, I haven't trucked around to find the collar. The last one he lost we found next to the apple tree just laying on the ground. We have livestock fencing around most of the perimeter of the main property and he just leaps through the larger openings of it with no issues. That makes me think he was hung up off my property somewhere. He's been sleeping all day long, very stressed. I used the wire brush and brushed out an entire cat's worth of hair from him. He did eat and drink then went back to sleep on my recliner.

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