Orange Tabby...He Stays and His Name is Finn (Update with Videos Dec 31)

He seems okay, but he came home again with a few minor scratches on the back of his legs, bleeding a little bit. This time I think he maybe scrambled part way up a tree and slid down and just tore up his scabbed legs. He just will not stay in the house.
He seems okay, but he came home again with a few minor scratches on the back of his legs, bleeding a little bit. This time I think he maybe scrambled part way up a tree and slid down and just tore up his scabbed legs. He just will not stay in the house.

It's hard to keep a good boy down :)
Again, 4 a.m. cats fighting. DH didn't hear it, I did. He thought Finn was in the house, but he was outside. He went looking for him in the rain, found him and Finn followed him back to the house. He was obviously hurting and was a bit scratched up again, though not as bad as when we took him to the vet. He is very, very sore and looks not so happy this morning. He also had a strong, smell to him, like the tomcat he was fighting had sprayed during the fight, or he jumped him in the middle of him spraying. I think this other cat is a good bit larger or more muscular than Finn. We're doing to have to trap him, I think. We cannot take Finn to the vet and spend $75 every time he gets in a rumble with this darn cat! I mean, if it even is the same cat! :barnie
Is there some way you can make extra space for Finn in your lower level? Put in a lot of things to amuse him like towers (Tom can build), tunnels, toys and things? He has got to learn to stay in the house or just go out when you and Tom are outside. If you want to keep him healthy, he's going to have to change his lifestyle.

But the trapping idea sounds like a plan anyway. There are just too many stray cats around your place!
Is there some way you can make extra space for Finn in your lower level? Put in a lot of things to amuse him like towers (Tom can build), tunnels, toys and things? He has got to learn to stay in the house or just go out when you and Tom are outside. If you want to keep him healthy, he's going to have to change his lifestyle.

But the trapping idea sounds like a plan anyway. There are just too many stray cats around your place!

I keep telling Tom that Finn has to learn to use a litter box and stay inside for awhile. The first sign of him wanting out, Tom gives in. Today, I said that if he wants Finn to live, he has to make him stay in the house for awhile until we can trap that problem cat. The cat obviously is tougher and meaner than Finn, but Finn is going to defend his property to his own detriment. We can't give in to him just because he meows to go out. It takes saying "no" and sticking with it. Finn is so tired today, he's getting into small out-of-the-way places under tables and sleeping.
Once he learns how to use a litter box and once you trap the other cat, he could go back to going out for short periods, or even most of the day, or whatever, if you don't want to make him fully indoor, but he does need to learn how to use one so if you ever need to keep him in then you can.

And I do think making the inside interesting and enriching with some cat toys and tunnels and such might help him to get used to it and be less bored. Maybe get him some catnip. Or heck, even just a cardboard box. :lau

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