Orange Tabby...He Stays and His Name is Finn (Update with Videos Dec 31)

Last night, Finn didn't come back at around 9 p.m. like he normally does. He has a fabulous internal clock and we've trained him to come back around that time and he has to stay in until at least 3-4 a.m., to get him through the worst part of the night as far as predators are concerned. Tom began calling for him. Nothing. We saw four eyes down the hill, but I think it was deer hanging around. We called and called. I finally went to bed around 11 p.m. At about 11:30 p.m., one of the BR roosters started crowing in the barn. That went on a couple of minutes, highly unusual. Just after midnight, Finn finally showed up. Tom said he looked really, really scared, went to a chair, curled up and never left until after I got up at 7:30 a.m. When Finn finally did go outside, he circled the house and went into his heated condo on the deck next to the back door and went back to sleep.

Seems like he was probably hiding from something and wouldn't risk trying to get back home until whatever he was frightened of left the area. I've heard lots of coyotes lately close by so maybe a pack was hunting close by last night. Wily cat we have. As of Nov 4, he's been with us for 5 years now.
Last night, Finn didn't come back at around 9 p.m. like he normally does. He has a fabulous internal clock and we've trained him to come back around that time and he has to stay in until at least 3-4 a.m., to get him through the worst part of the night as far as predators are concerned. Tom began calling for him. Nothing. We saw four eyes down the hill, but I think it was deer hanging around. We called and called. I finally went to bed around 11 p.m. At about 11:30 p.m., one of the BR roosters started crowing in the barn. That went on a couple of minutes, highly unusual. Just after midnight, Finn finally showed up. Tom said he looked really, really scared, went to a chair, curled up and never left until after I got up at 7:30 a.m. When Finn finally did go outside, he circled the house and went into his heated condo on the deck next to the back door and went back to sleep.

Seems like he was probably hiding from something and wouldn't risk trying to get back home until whatever he was frightened of left the area. I've heard lots of coyotes lately close by so maybe a pack was hunting close by last night. Wily cat we have. As of Nov 4, he's been with us for 5 years now.

So glad he got home and scared or not, at least he's ok.

Wow, 5 years!?! I'm always glad to hear how he's doing :)
So glad he got home and scared or not, at least he's ok.

Wow, 5 years!?! I'm always glad to hear how he's doing :)

Crazy how fast it's flown, isn't it? He will not stay in the house, did not come to us as a house cat, obviously, but it's amazing how well he's avoided predators so far. There was that period when he and the black cat were at it, but if no one tended to that cat's injuries, he probably succumbed to infection from those fights. And then, Finn was shot with a BB or pellet gun and it healed over fine. That bugged me, why someone would shoot him, but if he was fighting with another cat and someone just blindly shot into the fight, that might explain it. I wish I could keep him home, but there's no way.
Crazy how fast it's flown, isn't it? He will not stay in the house, did not come to us as a house cat, obviously, but it's amazing how well he's avoided predators so far. There was that period when he and the black cat were at it, but if no one tended to that cat's injuries, he probably succumbed to infection from those fights. And then, Finn was shot with a BB or pellet gun and it healed over fine. That bugged me, why someone would shoot him, but if he was fighting with another cat and someone just blindly shot into the fight, that might explain it. I wish I could keep him home, but there's no way.

He's a smart one, for sure!

I just looked back at the 1st page...yep, 5 years. Time really does go by quickly.
Finn is such a lucky kitty to have found you and Tom.
Glad he made it home safely too.

These two were wild as March hares and only 6 weeks old in July when we adopted them from our vet to become barn cats. Named Witch Hazel and Pomme Tom because of their wild temperaments and piebald markings they were too young to put in the barn and stayed in a huge cage in the carport at night.
Then they needed to heal after their neutering.
Then hubby said they couldn't go in to the barn until he trapped the skunk that was taking up residence in the barn.
Then it got too cold for them to be outside at now hubby is stuck with them in the house. But Tom and Hazel are crated at night in our bedroom because they play chase when ever they aren't sleeping.
Finn is such a lucky kitty to have found you and Tom.
Glad he made it home safely too.

These two were wild as March hares and only 6 weeks old in July when we adopted them from our vet to become barn cats. Named Witch Hazel and Pomme Tom because of their wild temperaments and piebald markings they were too young to put in the barn and stayed in a huge cage in the carport at night.
View attachment 1957084
Then they needed to heal after their neutering.
Then hubby said they couldn't go in to the barn until he trapped the skunk that was taking up residence in the barn.
Then it got too cold for them to be outside at now hubby is stuck with them in the house. But Tom and Hazel are crated at night in our bedroom because they play chase when ever they aren't sleeping.

Great story :lol:

They sure have a way of worming into our hearts, don't they.
Finn is such a lucky kitty to have found you and Tom.
Glad he made it home safely too.

These two were wild as March hares and only 6 weeks old in July when we adopted them from our vet to become barn cats. Named Witch Hazel and Pomme Tom because of their wild temperaments and piebald markings they were too young to put in the barn and stayed in a huge cage in the carport at night.
View attachment 1957084
Then they needed to heal after their neutering.
Then hubby said they couldn't go in to the barn until he trapped the skunk that was taking up residence in the barn.
Then it got too cold for them to be outside at now hubby is stuck with them in the house. But Tom and Hazel are crated at night in our bedroom because they play chase when ever they aren't sleeping.


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