Orange Tabby...He Stays and His Name is Finn (Update with Videos Dec 31)

We always do what we can for our animals, but if the cost was in the thousands, sadly, that wouldn't be possible. I'm very happy that the tests showed he is very healthy other than the eye issues he's having-they tested for diabetes as well as his heart, liver and not sure exactly what else, probably feline leukemia. All clear. He's a very well loved kitty.
Finn is still battling to save his eyesight. The one with the injury is not healing very quickly even though we put have been treating it 3x/day for awhile now. Today, the vet made a serum using his own blood and gave us vials of it and pipettes to use, have to put it in his eye 3x/day in addition to the Terramycin ointment plus we have to put different drops in the other eye that has the cataract. They love Finn at the vet's office. He's the sweetest cat ever.
Finn is still battling to save his eyesight. The one with the injury is not healing very quickly even though we put have been treating it 3x/day for awhile now. Today, the vet made a serum using his own blood and gave us vials of it and pipettes to use, have to put it in his eye 3x/day in addition to the Terramycin ointment plus we have to put different drops in the other eye that has the cataract. They love Finn at the vet's office. He's the sweetest cat ever.

Sorry his eye is still having an issue Cyn, hope the new serum works.
Update: the vet is puzzled. She is thinking it's viral since the Terramycin and the oral antibiotics have not done much at all. The serum she formulated using his own blood is not working, either. She gave my husband an anti-viral paste, but if I had been there, I'd have noticed it's the same thing we've been giving him for weeks, a lysine paste on his food twice each day, just a different flavor. So, I'm not sure this will work unless it's stronger, but he is not eating his food with this one on it for some reason. May have to put it directly into his mouth.

The ulcer on his cornea is very large and the other has a cataract on it (another drop to relieve pressure goes into that eye). I'm afraid he'll end up blind and never be able to go outside again. He's never been a 100% indoor cat, came to us as a wanderer. The vet is consulting a colleague. She's still fighting for him and not socking it to us in the $$ department. They love Finn there.
Update: the vet is puzzled. She is thinking it's viral since the Terramycin and the oral antibiotics have not done much at all. The serum she formulated using his own blood is not working, either. She gave my husband an anti-viral paste, but if I had been there, I'd have noticed it's the same thing we've been giving him for weeks, a lysine paste on his food twice each day, just a different flavor. So, I'm not sure this will work unless it's stronger, but he is not eating his food with this one on it for some reason. May have to put it directly into his mouth.

The ulcer on his cornea is very large and the other has a cataract on it (another drop to relieve pressure goes into that eye). I'm afraid he'll end up blind and never be able to go outside again. He's never been a 100% indoor cat, came to us as a wanderer. The vet is consulting a colleague. She's still fighting for him and not socking it to us in the $$ department. They love Finn there.

That is worrisome Cyn. Hope the vets consulting comes up with something new to try. Best wishes to Finn (and you) :hugs
I have a friend with a blind cat caused by a Taurine deficiency. Taurine is a supplement and should be in the list of ingredients in the cat food. It might be a question for the vet.

My sister also has a blind cat. She rescued him after she found him collapsed up against her front door when she opened it. He was very sick but she tried everything to help him. After a long battle he got better but had lost his sight and had to have 1 eye removed. She has had him for years now, he's such a character and she loves him dearly. He can find his way around the house with only occasionally bumping into furniture etc. He goes up and down stairs and can jump up onto things and loves to get on her kitchen counter and take his paw and knock things off. If he's not sure where he is, he reaches out with his paw and feels around. He's very happy and enjoys playing with her dog. Her only worry is him getting out, which has happened a couple of times but he usually sits near the house under a bush and waits for her to find him.
I sure hope Finn can heal and not end up blind, but if he does, cats are very resourceful. All of us on here love him too and are hoping for the best.
Apparently, this vet, who replaced our regular one who retired (we didn't know that at first), has given up on Finn. She was supposed to consult someone and get back to us within 3 days of the last appointment. She never did. My husband called the office, asked for a call back, still no response. The serum and the lysine did nothing for him, unfortunately. We need to take him elsewhere. I'm not happy with her just abandoning my cat that way. She could at least say she can't help him, not just leave us hanging. The Terramycin seems to sooth his ulcerated eye for awhile after we give it and he keeps it open more after treatment, but the cataract seems to be getting more opaque. Here is a picture of my sweet boy today and you can see the milky cataract and the reddish ulcerated eye.
Apparently, this vet, who replaced our regular one who retired (we didn't know that at first), has given up on Finn. She was supposed to consult someone and get back to us within 3 days of the last appointment. She never did. My husband called the office, asked for a call back, still no response. The serum and the lysine did nothing for him, unfortunately. We need to take him elsewhere. I'm not happy with her just abandoning my cat that way. She could at least say she can't help him, not just leave us hanging. The Terramycin seems to sooth his ulcerated eye for awhile after we give it and he keeps it open more after treatment, but the cataract seems to be getting more opaque. Here is a picture of my sweet boy today and you can see the milky cataract and the reddish ulcerated eye. View attachment 3267601

Poor Finn. That's a shabby way for him (and you) to be treated by the vet. Hope you find a good one Cyn.
Apparently, this vet, who replaced our regular one who retired (we didn't know that at first), has given up on Finn. She was supposed to consult someone and get back to us within 3 days of the last appointment. She never did. My husband called the office, asked for a call back, still no response. The serum and the lysine did nothing for him, unfortunately. We need to take him elsewhere. I'm not happy with her just abandoning my cat that way. She could at least say she can't help him, not just leave us hanging. The Terramycin seems to sooth his ulcerated eye for awhile after we give it and he keeps it open more after treatment, but the cataract seems to be getting more opaque. Here is a picture of my sweet boy today and you can see the milky cataract and the reddish ulcerated eye. View attachment 3267601
Poor kitty. This is what I have found. There is a vet shortage and the newer vets don’t have the knowledge. Being a breeder it is very hard to find a vet that I can work with. I drive 1.5 hrs to my favorite vet.

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