Order Remorse-Help!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 3, 2010
Delavan, WI
I just placed an order for 25 chickens. I wanted to raise good egg layers and pets. Had a list ready to go, and my husband convinced me to order White Leghorns and Red Stars, per his friends advise. After doing more research I realize that even though I will get my eggs, they might not be the friendliest of the pick. Anyone have experience with White Leghorns or Red Stars, I would appreciate your input. I might try to change my order due to arrive the end of April!!!!! I live in the midwest so I need some hardy birds..... This is driving me CRAZY, I can't wait to get my babies!!
I had a RedStar a few years ago and she was a lap chicken. In my opinion it is all in how you raise them. If you handle them alot you will get your pet chicken.
Thanks, I'm feeling better already!! I have always had good luck with all my pets and they will all get tons of attention, I love them and I have 2 pre-teen boys that can't wait!!
I have always had White Leghorns and Produton Red / Sex-Link hens along with many other breeds. You will most definately get lots of eggs. White Leghorns are usually more flighty. Sex-Link, I think it depends. My friendlist chicken is a tie between a Silver Laced Wyandotte and a Silkie.

Any chick that is handled as a baby will be friendlier.
I have a few white leghorns, I have no problem with them. I did have to cull the roo, he was mean, but I don't believe that to be a breed issue, simply some roos are freindly and some are not. And since the roo's aggresion was toward my 14yo daughter, he simply could not stay.
Out of our 22 adult hens we have 4 Production Crosses/Red Star/Comet birds. They are all friendly, come right up to us looking for treats. HUGE EGGS! Here is a pic of an egg that one our hens Rosie layed a few weeks ago. 4.1 oz


Great birds!
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I don't have leghorns, but my red stars are dolls. They were the first to lay and I get 15 eggs every two weeks between the two of them. I have 25+/- chickens running around so while I spend a lot of time out with the flock and working around the barnyard I've never tried to make lap chickens out of any of them. The red stars follow me around so close though that I'm always stepping on them and they don't mind being picked up either. You'll love them!
my red star was a sweetie... We called her Rufus (like a dog) because she would follow us all around the yard and be into everything that we were doing...
A stupid mink killed her..
Let me tell you....animals are all the same. It's all in how much care you give them. I tamed feral cats...I know. Even a ole meaney can become a sweetie pie with the right care. You treat them well and give them attention and they will love you back. There's always an exception but on the whole, they will learn that you bring the good treats, you're nice to them and you scratch them behind the 'ears'.

They'll love you if you love them.
If not...send em to freezer camp

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