Ordered ducklings! SO.EXCITED!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 8, 2012
Near Phoenix, Az
I was very excited to see Meyer has some ducklings available to ship next week :D

We had 7 ducks previously: 1 mallard duck, 2 mallard drakes, 1 chocolate runner drake, 1 fawn/white runner duck, 1 muscovey duck and 1 muscovey drake (am I right calling girls ducks? seems weird... lol). We also had 2 turkeys, 4 guineas and 6 chickens. They free ranged during the day, and penned at night for safety. Sadly, we've had a major coyote problem, causing me to rehome my Nigerian Dwarf goats to save those left :/ After the goats being gone for a week, I decided not to worry about putting my leonberger/pyrenean mastiff outside at night, and that ONE NIGHT the darn coyotes dug under my pen and killed all but my 2 mallard drakes, one of which died later from his injuries *cries* I LOVED LOVED LOVED those birds. I cried and cried :( So, dog is staying out EVERY.NIGHT. and we will be making modifications to the chicken pen so they can't dig under today.

Anyhow, when we got home we searched for a duck friend for my drake, found a drake. They guy said "someone told me they're mallards, but I don't know." I could tell they weren't by the pic, but beggars can't be choosers, and I didn't really care what type as long as my boy had a friend. So hubby went and picked him up on his way home from work. When I saw him I guessed maybe mallard or rouen mixed with runner and??? Then learned he's a khaki campbell, so I wasn't far off (at least, if wiki is right and they were created by mixing those breeds). (right now they are safely in a big rabbit hutch inside the chicken pen, and dog out at night, so they're safe).

Anyhow, of course I wanted some girls for them. I enjoy all the birds I had, but ducks are my favorite. Figured I'd have to wait until spring to get some ducklings, and was actually shopping for chicks. But disapointed in the lack of selection thsi time of year, so I think I'll just find a few hens for sale locally. And figured I'd see what breeds of ducks Meyers and Ideal would have for later (was looking at those two since they ahve a much lower chick minimum than others). Was SO HAPPY that Meyers has some ducks now! And then I did a quick google search (that led me to threads on here anyhow lol) on m/f ratio and decided on 3:1 so I ordered 6 girls for my 2 drakes.


I ordered 2 Blue Swedish
and one of each: Buff, Cayuga, Rouen and Khaki Campbell.

I wanted variety, so that's why pretty much one of each. And well Rouens look like mallards and I have a khaki campbell drake, but since the females are different than the males, still variety lol ;) I actually would've bought more mallards, but they aren't available right now.
I was very excited to see Meyer has some ducklings available to ship next week :D

We had 7 ducks previously: 1 mallard duck, 2 mallard drakes, 1 chocolate runner drake, 1 fawn/white runner duck, 1 muscovey duck and 1 muscovey drake (am I right calling girls ducks? seems weird... lol). We also had 2 turkeys, 4 guineas and 6 chickens. They free ranged during the day, and penned at night for safety. Sadly, we've had a major coyote problem, causing me to rehome my Nigerian Dwarf goats to save those left :/ After the goats being gone for a week, I decided not to worry about putting my leonberger/pyrenean mastiff outside at night, and that ONE NIGHT the darn coyotes dug under my pen and killed all but my 2 mallard drakes, one of which died later from his injuries *cries* I LOVED LOVED LOVED those birds. I cried and cried :( So, dog is staying out EVERY.NIGHT. and we will be making modifications to the chicken pen so they can't dig under today.

Anyhow, when we got home we searched for a duck friend for my drake, found a drake. They guy said "someone told me they're mallards, but I don't know." I could tell they weren't by the pic, but beggars can't be choosers, and I didn't really care what type as long as my boy had a friend. So hubby went and picked him up on his way home from work. When I saw him I guessed maybe mallard or rouen mixed with runner and??? Then learned he's a khaki campbell, so I wasn't far off (at least, if wiki is right and they were created by mixing those breeds). (right now they are safely in a big rabbit hutch inside the chicken pen, and dog out at night, so they're safe).

Anyhow, of course I wanted some girls for them. I enjoy all the birds I had, but ducks are my favorite. Figured I'd have to wait until spring to get some ducklings, and was actually shopping for chicks. But disapointed in the lack of selection thsi time of year, so I think I'll just find a few hens for sale locally. And figured I'd see what breeds of ducks Meyers and Ideal would have for later (was looking at those two since they ahve a much lower chick minimum than others). Was SO HAPPY that Meyers has some ducks now! And then I did a quick google search (that led me to threads on here anyhow lol) on m/f ratio and decided on 3:1 so I ordered 6 girls for my 2 drakes.


I ordered 2 Blue Swedish
and one of each: Buff, Cayuga, Rouen and Khaki Campbell.

I wanted variety, so that's why pretty much one of each. And well Rouens look like mallards and I have a khaki campbell drake, but since the females are different than the males, still variety lol ;) I actually would've bought more mallards, but they aren't available right now.
Congrats on getting more ducks/ pics when they arrive and so sorry about your loss of the others. 3 to 1 is good when getting ducks for drakes, but keep in mind that one of your boys may want them all and fighting my develop, which may mean during breeding season they may have to be separated with their own girls. But that will be a ways down the road so just enjoy for now.
They're here!!! :D

So, my husband picked them up, ect. When I got up (I work nights) of course I went right in to the room they're in... He came in, I was telling him the breeds they are and he got confused... up until that point, he thought they were chicks ROFL!!!!

They're here!!! :D

So, my husband picked them up, ect. When I got up (I work nights) of course I went right in to the room they're in... He came in, I was telling him the breeds they are and he got confused... up until that point, he thought they were chicks ROFL!!!!

They are adorable, Congrats

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