Ordered from Ideal...less than ideal...:( (UPDATED)

It sounds like a situation where Ideal can't win. They can't guarantee that the replacements will arrive safely without including the extras, and they've offered to make good. There's no sense in shipping fewer and having a doubly upset customer. Shipping baby chicks is always a risk whoever you buy them from.

You might also consider that they are a member here, before suggesting that you plan on lying to them.
You know, cackle hatchery has a deal for 100 roosters for like, $32.00 and they say that SLW is part of the mix that you would recieve. DH and Iare going to order it, I will keep the ones I want for my hens, and he will Freezer Camp the rest.
To bad you lost chick.
We got our order from Ideal April 3rd. We had a cold snap here in Michigan and Texas was having that blizzard. I was sure I was gonna get a box with some DOA. But all turned out well they were all alive when we got them. 12 RIR peanuts. But by Sunday one of the BR didn't make it. They just credited my card and all was good. Hope you have better luck with the replacements.
We've had the same thing happen with another hatchery. They would only refund because we didn't want to order more. I was upset at first, but it really makes perfect sense. We don't want more to die and neither do they. We don't want to lost $ and neither do they. We want it all fixed and so do they.
Blame the mail carrier
(No offense to any postal employees...whether you work at the post office or not

Hope everything works out!
Sorry about your loss. Sometimes those things happen. The owner of my local feed store told me that his last order from Ideal was 500 chicks. He said he didn't loose any while at the store and that no one that bought the chicks lost any either. He has more coming the 27th, I hope they are just as good
I am so sorry about your loss. We had our order from Ideal arrive and everybody did great, except I did not want 7 RIR roosters running around, so I called several of our feed stores in the area and they all said they would take them if we didn't want them. So once the chicks arrived I took out the stuffers and dropped them of at the feedstore. It worked out great, I got rid of extras they got extras to sell. We did end up keeping one because he had a bad case of pasty butt and we felt he would not stand a chance in a feedstore --nobody wants a icky looking chicken-- so we kept him and named him Elmer after the glue. He is doing great and is actually the friendliest of them all, I wonder if that is because I handled him so much in the beginning, when I as cleaning him up.

Here he is one my sons shoulder. He is 6 weeks old here.

I am so sorry about you troubles, but I agree with most of the others on here..have Ideal send a new order and see if you can rehome the RIR for free, unless you can make some money selling them.

Good Luck,
That is what is hard with buying live animals to be shipped, they can die. I see there is an update saying you must purchase another order to have the replacements sent? Is that correct?

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