Ordered from Murray McMurray. When should they arrive??


8 Years
May 9, 2011
West Michigan
We ordered our first batch of chicks!!! We ordered them from Murray McMurray. The date they are suppose to come is Monday June 27. I have read from other post that some people chicks arrived early like Saturday and Sunday. I was wondering from the people that have ordered Murray McMurray before did your chick come early? I was also wondering if i will get a e-mail to know the exact day. Or am I going to have to stay at the house all weekend in chase the post office calls saying they came early.

Thanks for the help!
Hi and
I haven't ordered from Murray McMurray, but I have read good things about this hatchery. Just in case they arrive early, I wouldn't go out of town this weekend or something. Maybe be around to check your phone messages every few hours. It really depends on where you live. Some people have had their post office call them on Sunday.
but I am guessing that you will receive an early morning call on Monday! Congrats on your new chicks!
Be sure to post pictures when they arrive.
I just received my first order from McMurray on June 5th. The hatch date on the MM site was June 6th and in my case what that meant was that the chicks would be hatched on Friday (June 3rd) or Saturday (June 4th) and shipped so that I received them anytime during the week of June 6th. My chicks shipped at 6:30am on June 4th and I picked them up at the general distribution location an hour from me on Sunday, June 5th. Otherwise, they would have been delivered to my local post office Monday, June 6th. You can go on MM's website and login your account and it will give you more information on your order.

Good luck with your chicks from MM. Mine arrived all happy and healthy and are doing great. I ordered 36 and they sent 39. Based on my experience with MM, I highly recommend them.
My chicks arrived from Murray McMurray on Saturday June 4. From the paperwork I had received, I thought they were being shipped on Saturday and would arrive on Monday. I had called the post office to let them know the chicks were coming and when I expected them. When they came on Saturday the 4th she tried to call but I was outside mowing so didn't answer the phone. Since the PO closes at 10:30 here on Saturday, she put them in the car and brought them to the house. Luckily I was home.
It seems the most common thing is getting them first thing on Monday morning. It depends on your post office whether or not they get them and let you know on Sunday. I guess sometimes the larger centers will call and see if you want to come get them if they aren't that far away from you. They will not tell you the exact day. They only email letting you know when they were shipped (mine were shipped from Minn. at like 3 in the morning or something like that). They give you a tracking but don't bother looking it up because it won't be updated. They use those only for confirmation of when and if you received them. So yeah it's just a waiting game. I would be home or available on Sunday if you are that super anxious to get them. I know I was. I was praying they would come in on Sunday so the poor dears would spend less time in that box. But mine were first thing Monday morning. Best of luck with the new chicks! What kind did you order?
McMurray Hatchery is the best. I received my chicks from them this spring on Monday morning. My husband was at the post office when it opened and the chicks were there. I ordered 25, received 31, only lost 2. My chicks are now 16 weeks old and I have not had any problems with them at all. I love it when they want to be near me. Chickens are the best pets!
We are getting 15 Cornish Rock for meet birds. The others are a mix of polishes, Wyandottes (silver laced and Columbian),Black Australorps, Buff Orpingtons, and i can not forget Araucanas/Americanas. My two boys are very excited!! (Carver is going to be 4 on Monday and Owen is almost 2). Thank you everyone for the information. I talked to the main postal hub in the area and they are going to call me when they get in. They are only 45 min away. Which is nice because we can pick them up on Sunday instead of them sitting there over night and getting to our local office on Monday.

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