Ordered my first batch of chicks!


5 Years
Mar 19, 2014
Greater Boston Area
Just ordered 8 chicks from chickensforbackyards.com to be delivered in May. I looked around on this forum for peoples' experiences and they seem like a reputable supplier so I went with it. This is my first time raising chickens so I'm excited and nervous at the same time. The 8 chicks are each different breeds... I tried to select breeds that will do well in the harsh New England winter (Massachusetts). I got one of each of these:

Light Brahma
Cuckoo Maran
Rhode Island Red
Silver Laced Wyandotte
Barred Plymouth Rock
Buff Orpington
Speckled Sussex
Easter Egger (Ameraucana)

I also ordered the Brinsea EcoGlow 20 Brooder from Amazon, since I will be setting up the brooder in the basement of my new house and don't want to burn the place down! For watering I plan on training the chicks to use the watering nipples from day 1... seems like there are mixed experiences with this but I'm going to give it a try.

If anybody has suggestions on online sources of chick feed that is reasonably priced, please let me know (Amazon Prime is preferred).

As far as a coup goes, I plan on building the "Reverse Wichita" and I'll get a start on that before the chicks arrive, which will hopefully leave plenty of time to get it finished before they outgrow the brooder.

I'll post my progress here, but any helpful tips for a noob are appreciated, thanks!
I would be very careful regarding the water and newly hatched chicks. If only "some"chicks seem to get how to drink out of the waterers but others don't they could dehydrate and die fast! Don't assume they will "eventually learn" because they could be dead before they learn! If you have the option of adding grow gell when they ship the chicks do it, lots of shipments apparently arrive with dead chicks inside (i have never ordered chicks through the mail and never will).

If it were me I would have the nipple waterer and ALSO a regular waterer just to be on the safe side.

You spent $80 on that brooder heater? Wow...pricey. Most folks just buy a heat lamp, on the upside that brooder doesn't give off an annoying red light that will keep the chicks up and chirping all night long so that is good!

If you are looking for more stuff to buy on amazon might want to think about one of these taylor thermometers, I use these for my snake cages and also for the chick's brooder, it lets you monitor the temps on BOTH sides of the brooder easily. You want to make darn sure those chicks don't get chilled when they are tiny and in the basement, have a blanket ready to cover the brooder on cold nights to prevent drafts and chills.

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You sound like me! I'm getting 4 chicks Wednesday, 2 black australops, 1 cuckoo marans, and an EE. I'm also going for a nipple watered and I'm using the Brinsea. I've done tests to see how long that sucker takes to heat up all the way and I'm thinking I'll be giving it at least two to three hours to heat up before I go pick up the peepers. I really want them to take to nipple watered, just seems easier and more sanitary. However I will have a back up shallow dish. But we will see!
Sounds like you have a nice choice of breeds there. I love the water nipple things, the brooder stays so much cleaner! But I always put in a regular water holder-for the first few days. I watch to make sure they have all worked out the nipple one before I take away the regular one. They are curious little things and usually go and peck the metal tip of the nipple very quickly. Best of luck on your new chicks-you will become addicted in no time lol.

ps. Putting a little Apple Cider Vinegar in the water is good for the chicks digestive system and keeps any bacteria from growing in the water.
Sounds like you have a nice choice of breeds there. I love the water nipple things, the brooder stays so much cleaner! But I always put in a regular water holder-for the first few days. I watch to make sure they have all worked out the nipple one before I take away the regular one. They are curious little things and usually go and peck the metal tip of the nipple very quickly. Best of luck on your new chicks-you will become addicted in no time lol. 

ps. Putting a little Apple Cider Vinegar in the water is good for the chicks digestive system and keeps any bacteria from growing in the water. ;)   

I've heard of putting ACV in the water but was unsure of how much to add...
Just got my estimated ship date from the the seller... my 8 chicks won't ship until June 23rd! Man I don't know how I'm going to have the patience for this...

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