Just ordered 8 chicks from chickensforbackyards.com to be delivered in May. I looked around on this forum for peoples' experiences and they seem like a reputable supplier so I went with it. This is my first time raising chickens so I'm excited and nervous at the same time. The 8 chicks are each different breeds... I tried to select breeds that will do well in the harsh New England winter (Massachusetts). I got one of each of these:
Light Brahma
Cuckoo Maran
Rhode Island Red
Silver Laced Wyandotte
Barred Plymouth Rock
Buff Orpington
Speckled Sussex
Easter Egger (Ameraucana)
I also ordered the Brinsea EcoGlow 20 Brooder from Amazon, since I will be setting up the brooder in the basement of my new house and don't want to burn the place down! For watering I plan on training the chicks to use the watering nipples from day 1... seems like there are mixed experiences with this but I'm going to give it a try.
If anybody has suggestions on online sources of chick feed that is reasonably priced, please let me know (Amazon Prime is preferred).
As far as a coup goes, I plan on building the "Reverse Wichita" and I'll get a start on that before the chicks arrive, which will hopefully leave plenty of time to get it finished before they outgrow the brooder.
I'll post my progress here, but any helpful tips for a noob are appreciated, thanks!
Light Brahma
Cuckoo Maran
Rhode Island Red
Silver Laced Wyandotte
Barred Plymouth Rock
Buff Orpington
Speckled Sussex
Easter Egger (Ameraucana)
I also ordered the Brinsea EcoGlow 20 Brooder from Amazon, since I will be setting up the brooder in the basement of my new house and don't want to burn the place down! For watering I plan on training the chicks to use the watering nipples from day 1... seems like there are mixed experiences with this but I'm going to give it a try.
If anybody has suggestions on online sources of chick feed that is reasonably priced, please let me know (Amazon Prime is preferred).
As far as a coup goes, I plan on building the "Reverse Wichita" and I'll get a start on that before the chicks arrive, which will hopefully leave plenty of time to get it finished before they outgrow the brooder.
I'll post my progress here, but any helpful tips for a noob are appreciated, thanks!