Hi All,
My name is Amy and I live in Kalamazoo, MI with my hubby and 3 kids. We only have a few acres, but we're hoping to squeeze as much homesteading in here as we can. I ordered our first chicks from a local hatchery yesterday and they should be here next Wednesday! We're getting 8 Buff Orpingtons and 7 Silver Laced Wyandottes. Now we just have to figure out if our old shed is salvageable as a coop or if we need to build one from scratch.
Outside of chickens, my other interests are baking and cooking whole foods, homeschooling, reading, and homesteading.
My name is Amy and I live in Kalamazoo, MI with my hubby and 3 kids. We only have a few acres, but we're hoping to squeeze as much homesteading in here as we can. I ordered our first chicks from a local hatchery yesterday and they should be here next Wednesday! We're getting 8 Buff Orpingtons and 7 Silver Laced Wyandottes. Now we just have to figure out if our old shed is salvageable as a coop or if we need to build one from scratch.
Outside of chickens, my other interests are baking and cooking whole foods, homeschooling, reading, and homesteading.