ordering chickens, don't want chicks though....

This is what I was thinking too. But I can also understand the frustration of all that dust and poo and waiting for the first egg....as well as never wanting to part with my really hard earned cash.

That's what cash is for...Stimalatin' the economy.

Wish someone would stimulate mine!!
Keep looking on CL. We didn't want to deal with the hassel of chicks either, but we couldn't find any pullets. We had given in to splitting an order of chicks with a lady in town when I decided to look one more time and found a lady near by with fully feathered chicks for $5 each. We were super happy, but now it turns out two are most likely duds...I mean roos.
I personally don't think they need special care, just more attention ( time) to check temp, food/water, etc. I guess checking for pasty butt is a little special but of the first 30 I had only 3-4 had to be cleaned and that was only twice. Unless you have raised chicks and found it disagreeable you may find that you like it, or at least don't mind it so much. Also, craigslist has POL pullets at $10-12 here in SC.
Mrs. K :

Do any of your hens go broody? Slipping either eggs or chicks under her, is all of the fun, and none of the work!

None are broody right now.
Dog killed all 3 known broody hens months ago.​

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