Ordering Stars from Mcmurray?

J. Jamison

In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 2, 2008
NE Arkansas
Anyone ever ordered red and black stars from mcmurray? I got the black stars in last week and the red stars will be here around the 21st. We want them for the eggs. Do they live up to the hype?! I have heard alot of hype on the RIR too, that they are one of the best egg layers. My local feed store had some of these about a month ago and I bought some of them too. They came from estes hatchery. I have australorps now and they lay every 2-3 days. They lay pretty good, just not consistant. Im kinda new to this chicken stuff so if I just wanted chickens to supply a big family with eggs and maybe sell a few, did I buy the right chicks? Give me your thoughts on what I bought and where they came from if you would. Im excited for these to start laying! Thanks
I didn't order the same breeds but I did order from McMurray back in March. They correctly sexed 25 of 25 chicks and tossed in 2 free roosters. My buff orpingtons started laying eggs between 18 1/2 and 23 1/2 weeks old. I'm getting about 4 1/2 eggs per week per chicken. Last month I got 136 eggs from my 6 hens.
We have 12 red star pullets, they started laying at about 20 weeks. They started small and kept getting larger with every day. So far they have not missed a day after a couple of months of laying. They lay large to almost extra large eggs, 1 egg per day for each pullet.
i have two black and two red stars from McMurray. they are not of laying age yet, but they are already getting redder in the face than the other pullets.

i have had hybrids before. i could set a clock by their laying habits! that being said, every chicken is different, but hybrids tend to be the choice for consistent laying.

best blessings for tons of delicious eggs and a healthy flock!

throw the gold girls!
I have two red stars from MM from early last April. They were the first of all my pullets to lay by far and lay about 6 days out of 7. They lay a nice sized brown egg. They are also the friendliest of all my birds and we really enjoy them. I don't know if that means they live up to the hype or not but I'll always have a couple of them!
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I have 1 red star from McMurrayet. She is only 6 weeks so not performing yet. However, she is the sweetest little chick. She loves to be held and petted, so she gets my vote for good chick already. Wish I had ordered more.
Earlier this year I ordered 25 Black Stars and received the one freebie that I am convinced is a White Leghorn. They are all good birds, and 2 months old, but the males look more like Barred Rocks than how I envisioned Black Stars to look. Send me an email at [email protected] and I'll send you a picture or two of my Black Stars from Murray McMurray. K?
If you ordered straight run Black Stars, then Id expect the males to look like barred rocks. I cant remember what the cross is for Black Stars, but I think the hens are barred rocks, in which all the males will be barred and the females will be non barred blacks. Black Stars are sex linked, which make them a hybrid. They will not breed true, if thats what you were thinking.

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