Oregon Fall Poultry Swap - October 22 - Corvallis @ the Fairgrounds!!!

The kicker is I told her she could have that bird for 5 as I wasnt sure and now she wants 20 which is what I charged for the pullets!

Don't deal with her again!!! What a hassle. Hope you work it out.
That's rediculous. She does not have $20 into the bird.

I'm so sorry you have to deal with that! I turn people away sometimes and I never feel bad about it. All I expect is that the new people will adore and pamper the critters like I do! Is THAT too much to ask?!
What really bothers me is that she knows where I live. I'm more worried that she could be a crazy person who would try something stupid if shes angry. I'm not giving her 20 though. She's crazy if she thinks that's gonna happen. Really upsets me. I was going to give them to a local organic farm but she was super insistent that she needed some birds and couldn't find any that weren't day old chicks.
I'm going to see what she says to the reply of giving them all back. But youre right Jeanine, how do I know they havent picked anything up.

so frustrating!!!!!
What a freakin psycho!! First thing I'd do is ask her what her %#&*ing problem is, and where exactly she keeps her head when she doesn't need it to look around!!

Yet another reason I like you so much LOL
I'm pretty sure that would have been the first words out of my mouth followed by a few more that we can't say on this forum
The kicker is I told her she could have that bird for 5 as I wasnt sure and now she wants 20 which is what I charged for the pullets!

I feel for the poor birds! What breed of birds are they? Are you taking all the birds back? I hope she hasn't "ruined" them. She must have wanted them either for eggs or pets, if she was going to raise them for meat, the roo wouldn't had mattered. So I hope the birds are still friendly.
I hope you get this situation closed without too much conflict. The nerve of some people!!
I wish you luck,
That would have been my reply too, but I was trying to keep it friendly! hehe.

Usually people will let on that they are gonna be trouble down the road, but when they do not you have to take more extreme actions. I sold a pair of sheep to a guy as pets. About a month later he called to say they were watching him watch TV through the window and it was bothering him. I went and picked them up the next day (after offering to help build fences for free) no further questions asked. I had to drive more than 2 hours to get them, twice because I deliver for free. I'd do it again in a minute! I found them a wonderful home with people who speak their language.

I had a guy really pestering me for some hens. Then he told me the neighbor's dog killed all his and that he has a dog that kills chickens too! He asked me to give him till the end of the week to "train" his dog!! YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME! I told him, in no uncertain terms, that would he NEVER get his hands on any of my precious birds.

I want everyone who contacts me wanting a bird to be a clone of one of you people! Most of them are, fortunately. I ask hard questions of the people who sound not quite right and they usually go away. If someone is a newbi and wants to learn, I am more than happy to help. But I have very little tollerance for people who are not responsible for their critters.

As for the security issue, get huge dogs! Mine do all the heavy lifting around here.

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