Oregon Fall Poultry Swap - October 22 - Corvallis @ the Fairgrounds!!!

He is such a sweetie! And a tricky little bugger too.....

He was probably drawn to the brooder light. Even though they are older and feathered out now I let them keep a 40 watt bulb on during the day because they seem to like it. It's what he's used to. Spoiled little boy.

Paula must have got the feisty one
Little Willie is sweet as can be with his two ladies (not the Mille's - they pulled his foot feathers out and made him bleed!)...but of course he is in my husband's Fort Knox cage too
LOL! I had a similar thing happen yesterday... The turkey poult posse was crowing and crying and had no reason for it.
They had wedged themselves into a corner in front of some kennels that house the newly hatched babies.
These turks are free ranging on 5 acres, there are about 10 of them, and they are big. They have not had a heat lamp for weeks, they forage and roam all day, every day.

So I was strolling by to go check on my on-again-off-again laboring ewe and noticed the commotion. The turks were sympathetically huddling with the chicks, whose light was off! AH HA! Someone had walked over the power strip and shut it off!
The 2 huge kennels with babies were both dark and getting cold. The turkey poult posse had become posessed and behaved as if they were without heat and huddled up to the kennel and cried like babies!

What head cases!

and no, she has not delivered her lambs yet...
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What would you do if a tiny duckling just wandered right in through your back door? This happened just a bit ago to a friend in town. They called me, wanting to "rescue" it and thought I'd be full of wisdom on how to care for a wild duck. They were sure it was hungry
My advice was to NOT feed it, and put it right back outside but keep an eye on it (in case of neighborhood cats) and hope that Momma duck would come calling very soon. Would any of you suggest something different??
I have a bad feeling that they are going to ignore me. She seemed a little perturbed that I wouldn't run right over with chick crumbles to feed it.
Good grief!!
No, I think you gave the correct advice. The momma probably is watching somewhere and will come for it as soon as she feels safe. Then after enough time as passed and no momma, maybe some type of rescue would be needed. But a lot of cities have laws against wild ducks, geese, etc, kept as pets so that would have to be looked into as well. It is hard though, a baby is a baby; wild or tame. They are so hard to resist! But don't YOU feel bad, your advice was the best one. Good luck!
Yes I agree that mama is probably nearby and watching it. I recently rescued an orphaned mallard. It fell into a flower pot about 1 foot deep and couldn't get out. The people had not seen the whole family of ducks for several days, so I put it in with some just hatched indian runners. It took him several days to learn to eat "duck food" as he was used to eating naturally. I was afraid that I might lose him, but I guess he got hungry enough. Most other times I have tried to intervene with wild babies it has not worked out well. I think you are right in your advice! Tell them that they could kill him if they intervene and to also think of what they are going to do with ONE duckling. It will be mighty lonely!
Ok, I'm going to admit it - I CAN'T WAIT FOR SERAMA'S!!!!
I blame "most" of you but Zoomum. the most
That being said (you and all your darn cute chicken stories ) I am so ready for "house" chickens out of reach of coons, dogs, etc and not just because they are "handicapped". (handicapped meaning all those darn rescues, NOT the serama's lol) Thought I should just confess
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So this is totally random and offtopic but does anyone go to or know much of anything about Vegas? DH has a conference that he's going to and we're going along. It's at the end of August so I'm just trying to get some feelers so we're prepared. We're not really gamblers. I like black jack at a table and we like the sports book and that's about it.

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