Oregon Fall Poultry Swap - October 27, 2012 in Corvallis!!!

Not quite ready to make up much of a want/bring list. But will reserve some space soon! Definitly know I want more polish and orps from Dancing Hen, so in love with the ones we just brought home!
I don't know if we will be able to make it to this swap - quarantine pens will already be full from the show the weekend before, and the swap is on the weekend of Rhonda's son's birthday and a rabbit show - so things one way or another I think will be much too busy! :(

BUT I will be keeping a look out on the swap list and hope you all have a great time!
Fall Swap 2012 October 27th-

Chicken Diapers
Chicken Sadles
Chicken Outfits and Dresses
Chicken Mats

Polish Chicks/Pullets/Hens (Mix, Cuckoo, Frizzle, Some cool Coloring, etc.)
Frizzle Pullets/Hens
Any Unwanted hens(Older, Barnyard Mix, etc.)
I had a great time at the spring swap and are planning on coming to the fall one. Here's my list:

Will have:
Swedish Flower Hens-Pullets (12-16 weeks old at the time of the swap), a few roo's, straight run chicks, hatching eggs. We culled our flock down from 26, even removing a few hens and I'm very pleased with what we've ended up with. We do have all 4 colors, all patterns, and crested and uncrested stock. My two main roo's grew quick and are huge! I'm striving for a true dual-purpose breed ideally suited for free-ranging.
Cream Legbar-Sexed chicks, pullets, roos, hatching eggs This is an autosexing breed-chicks are sexed easily at hatch, blue eggs.
Sizzles (Frizzled and smooth hard feathered silkies)
Silkies, Porcelain chicks out of a very nice Catdance pair
I'm hatching 30 Lavender and silky eggs right now from Catdance and will be hatching 12 BBS eggs from Hattrick. Should have some nice extra birds.
Possibly some Ameracauna/Swedish crosses-should be very interesting looking easter eggers! Potential for muffs, beards, and crests.

I will again be offering everything at a lower price then our website lists for people buying/picking up at the swap since it makes things easier on me.

Possibly Jams, including my Pepper Jelly (Yummy on cream cheese served with crackers)

Allium bulbs from my garden: Walking onions, 12 types of Garlic, shallots including a heirloom from Belgium.

Cheese cake-Chocolate Guinness :)
Egg baskets
Tulip bulbs-parrot type
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I will definitely be participating in the fall swap! Most likely will be bringing bantam cochins and maybe a few seramas. I love my bantams :)

Does anyone know where I could find a red sex link chick right now? My coworker is surprising his wife with a coop and chicks and she had said awhile ago that she wanted a red sl. I already got a few other chicks in Eugene today... the coop is supposed to be ready this week and we plan on setting everything up on Saturday while she's out and about.
Have -
possibly started birds / eggs / chicks from the following:
Large fowl Salmon Faverolles
Bantam Faverolles in black, blue, splash, salmon, blue salmon, and buff
Bantam Partridge Cochins
Bantam Black Sumatras
Bantam Ameraucanas in black, blue and splash

Want -
3 cheesecakes from Laura, undecided on flavors
Honey from Zanna
Have -
W/BW Ameraucana Hatching eggs and/or chicks

Want -
Laura's Cheesecakes, One each of the following: Pumpkin Marble and Blueberry & Cream


Ok, first draft -

Have -

chicks/eggs/started birds - breeds TBA

Chicken Carriers - these are the plastic pet carriers that have just had perches added to them.

Yummy things from the farm - TBA

Want -

wheaten Amerucanas, black copper/blue copper marans, orpingtons, delawares - eggs or chicks

Jersey giants from birdsnbeast (and maybe a bantam barnevelder too!)

Polish eggs or chicks from dancing hen

Silver Appleyard Ducks or possibly other heavy (meat purpose) breeds if none has appleyards

Geese - Touoluse prefered

Since this swap is going to be down in Corvalis and not close to me I probably wont have extra trucks helping me bring things back and forth. As a result I will probably not bring very much extra. Once we get closer I will create a photo album for the things I have so pre arrangements will be easier and I will have an idea what needs to come down with me.

*edited to add to the want list
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Thanks to everyone who has already reserved and paid for their tables and cheesecakes
We have quite a few spots reserved already so please make sure you get the information and money to me as soon as you know for sure you are coming and/or what cheesecakes you want. Everything must be prepaid for this year. Thanks again for your cooperation in this!
Gee with 6 more ducklings just hatched I may have to consider bringing saxony ducks if I don't get myself under control. Yeah for everyone. I suspect I won't be doing a table as just can't commit this far in advance and this year won't know until closer. Figure if I can't do the swap there is always the chicken show the week before to fill my chicken math equations. Way to go Zoomummzy getting everything goin!

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