Oregon Fall Poultry Swap - October 27, 2012 in Corvallis!!!

Oh my goodness ZooMummzy, as soon as I get to the bank to transfer some funds to Paypal, I will be ordering cheese cakes, about 5 or 6!!
OK, going to reserve 2 tables, side by side.

Possibly bringing (not certain yet):

Black copper Marans
Blue copper Marans
Blue Manans
Black Birchen roo?
Blue Birchen roo? (these two Birchens dependent on what we are currently hatching right now)
Naran turkey poults/Naran X turkey poults
Possibly pea fowl babies....

And of course, one or two of our wonderful livestock guardians, Mugz and possibly Cassie (both Tibetan Mastiffs)
Really, really thinking about it! That is my only free weekend in October so have marked it on my calendar so I don't take something on for work.
Talking to my mom and one of my chicken friends about having a combined booth. That way maybe 2 or 3 of us can go down, take turns, and we can ALL SHOP!

Bringing: Not sure yet, but hope to say yes or no soon and post a list if yes.

Looking for: Possibly BBS Orps or hatching eggs
would like to try the creamed honey
and think I may have to order a cheese cake or two (also consulting others on this)

Sure I will be adding to this list once a decision has been made and others post what they are bringing!
silkies:(some hatched from catdance eggs and some shipped from bobbi porto and some hatched from my own eggs)
very possibly paint depending on when mine start laying (very soon hopefully)

Will have some really nice BQ or SQ roosters/cockerels for $5!!! Splash, White, Silver Partridge
Or will be able to pair up some with pullets for $40/pair

Barred Rocks?
3 climb in your lap, puppy dog, hand raised girls, 2 yrs old and laying really well, from ideal poultry
(will trade for Jersey Giant pullets/chicks)

Wood transport boxes made by my DH priced from $25-50 depending on size.

Jersey Giant pullets/chicks
honey (zanna)
chicken diapers
leg bands numbered
I will have to check out all the info and think about it then. My son is very sweet and he loves animals he has never been agressive or mean and he has experanice with chicks and cats and dogs and goats and sheep but he is a 7 year old so he does have his loud moments I guess I could just ask all of you your honest opinon on whether you would like to have a child there or not .

I took my 5yo daughter to the spring swap this year and we both had a blast! Gwen is also a very sweet and respectful child and been raised around animals so I was pretty sure she would be ok. She had a great time seeing all the diffrent chicken breeds and learning about them, even set up a trade for some silkies she wanted. It was a great learning experiance for her and she can't wait till October she is already asking me how many more days till the fall swap. Everyone that we met was very nice to her. But as well behaved as I know she is, she is still a child so I made sure that we packed her a bag of snacks, coloring books and quiet toys in case she started getting bored, and I made sure I always knew where she was and what she was doing. This was our first swap, but it definitly feels very family oriented so I would expect your son would be more than welcome to come! And it sounds like you are realistic enough to know that a child is still a child so you will both have a lot of fun! Hope to see you and your son in October!
Hi Skye,

We live in Colton and will be going to the swap (we bought a little Cuckoo Marans and an Australorp from you at the spring swap) We might be able to haul some stuff down for you if you need it. We likely won't be taking anything...maybe some turkeys?? Not sure, only sure I will be coming home with stuff!!!

I think a good idea for the kids would be to keep them involved in an activity at the swap? I have a huge box of crayons and was thinking about doing a coloring contest or something at my area? I got 2 tables and was thinking about leaving room on the end of 1 to fit at leased 2 kids at a time. and I am sure the person that will be next to me wouldn't mind sharing some room to, I will check with her. I can print out some pictures of different chicken breeds and we could do like under 10 and over 10 and maybe come up with a prize for the best 1 of each group? That could keep them busy for a while?
I would want someone else to pick the winners though. and the prize could be something that could be mailed so they don't have to stay all day? We will be leaving in the afternoon so if there is someone who will be staying all day and wants to help me with it as far as judging and finishing it up then I don't mind supplying some stuff and doing it while we are there. Just an idea????
I'd like a couple of those Boubon Red poults! I got two last year at the Canby spring meet and lost the tom, jus the hen, so would like to add a few more BRs. Thanks. I have reserved TWO table slots and will probably have my black/tan Tibetan Mastiff there.
I'd like a couple of those Boubon Red poults! I got two last year at the Canby spring meet and lost the tom, jus the hen, so would like to add a few more BRs. Thanks. I have reserved TWO table slots and will probably have my black/tan Tibetan Mastiff there.
Sorry to hear about your tom- I got my tom at the Fall Swap last year, lost one of my hens this year and got one at the Spring Swap. Anyway, I have some babies available now. If you are wanting to wait until the swap- do you care about the age ? I will have some more available later- just do not know when and how old they will be by the time of the swap :) Thank you !

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