Oregon Spring Poultry Swap April 23, 2011 in Canby!!!

They were doing just fine until they started killing each other when they were about 10 days old. I went from 34 to 8 in three days. And they are FREAKS!
And filthy, and noisy, and the smell HORRID. Basically there was nothing that I liked about having them at all...
Do a jig and drink some wine!!!!

LOL if I didn't have a million other things to get done tonight I would drink more than wine! I'll just dance and have a little wine
I do need to go to the liquor store. When you have leftover oranges you make orangecello!

Yeah you do! I have a friend who used to make both limon and orancello. I used to make an angel food cake with it and then serve it with berries soaked in cointreau spooned over and flambéed with a dark chocolate drizzle around the plate.
What kind of Pheasants did you have ?? I have been breeding Oramental Pheasants for years, and have NEVER had this problem. I work with a lot of the Zoo's and long time breeders with the pure lines and have never had killing stinky/dirty birds. I know there are a lot of yahoo's out there that have mixed breeds and do not know it, and have sold to unknowing buyers birds that are nuts, and will attack because of the un purity and cross breeding. There are several Species of Pheasants that are rare and can be hard keepers, but do NOT kill each other.

I'd like 2 or 3 of the Mara Des Bois. Do you want to trade for organic Shuksan Strawberries? I have 1 gallon pots that are well established. That is my all-time favorite, so far. If you do not want to trade, I can send cash. Thanks!

For sure! I was wondering if you might be willing to trade some of those BCM chicks. I got three from a breeder in Corvallis and it looks like I picked three Roos
One great but three! For real! Yeah.... Anyway I might see if they all develop into proper Roos but I'd really like to have some pullets and from different stock so I can potentially breed them! Anyway! Let me know if that's possible. I LOVE trading BTW! I'm all about the bartering system! I think we could fix a whole lot of our economy by going back to more of a bartering system but well I guess that's me being a hippie at heart?

I love to trade too! I think you are right about fixing the economy with bartering. I have about $5,000 out right now in barter. I am working and trading it off. I got 2 greenhouses and 50 livestock panels with t-posts. For me, it means I can harvest 12 months of the year to feed my family, and I can protect my livestock. Well worth the effort!

I can't take pics of my BCM chicks, camera is dead. Sorry. I do not know how to sex them either, I can make good guesses, but, you know how that goes when you really want one or the other. Otherwise, OK. hehe.
LOL if I didn't have a million other things to get done tonight I would drink more than wine! I'll just dance and have a little wine
I do need to go to the liquor store. When you have leftover oranges you make orangecello!

Yeah you do! I have a friend who used to make both limon and orancello. I used to make an angel food cake with it and then serve it with berries soaked in cointreau spooned over and flambéed with a dark chocolate drizzle around the plate.

That is such a bummer on the weather! I was hoping for these nice sunny days we have been having to continue!

I have added more birds and stuff to my slide show. http://www.flickr.com/photos/28007523@N06/sets/72157626486286584/show/
They are all in the beginning. (remember to hit show info at the top)

Here are a couple of things that I wanted to show;

I picked up two heated pet waterers. They are like a plastic dog bowl that holds 1 qt with a heating element built in. The cord is wire covered and it has a t-stat that turns it on and off as needed. I have two fo them new in the box. $10 each. Any interest?


Next my daughter made some beaded poultry keychains. They are a goose, a chicken and a runner duck.
She is asking $3 each for them.

Finally, I have a small-med sized bird cage, like good for parakeets or finches, if anyone is interested I can get pics.
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