
They are very pretty. I got some black Wyandotte Bantams yesterday. The cockerel is very, very loud.
Mine doesn't come near to how loud my BLRW Banty roo is. Eekkk he is soooo noisy lol

This guy sounds like a LF when he crows. His prettiness and good confirmation makes up for it. However, I live in the city, and I'm not supposed to have roosters. He was in the garage and we can still hear him. Hopefully he quiets up.
My breeder pen got finished today and we moved the BLRW lf out of the greenhouse. My roo sounds like a goose! He not used to being so close to all the other boys and was really making his presence known. DH took this picture and she looked plaid to me.

My breeder pen got finished today and we moved the BLRW lf out of the greenhouse. My roo sounds like a goose! He not used to being so close to all the other boys and was really making his presence known. DH took this picture and she looked plaid to me.

How cool! Plaid chickens, hmmm............. Could be the next get rich fad :) Beautiful pullet!
Hmm, ok. All the Wyandotte pullets and hens I've had have been skittish except for one. I guess it could do with the fact that the only one that was fine with me is the only one I've raised from a chick. The others I've bought past the age where I'm able to get them used to me.
My broody hatched these for me. She's a great girl and will share the babies with me. I've feed them treats from my hand for months, that may have something to do with it.

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