
The only reason I didn't wash them last night was because it was about 8:15 at night. I'm very lucky I had Sevin on hand, but I'm going to wash them tonight with flea/tick shampoo, Frontline, then dust again. I'm also going to move them I think and do my best to bleach out their pen. On Friday, if I find any live mites on him, I'm not going to show him. If I don't find any live ones I will show him. Is there something to get off shell casings, just in case? I want to pick up everything I need tonight.
I have heard that coconut oil which can be bought at Walmart will take off the shell casings, don't know for a fact. I have used Zodiac Flea and tick shampoo for dogs/cats. It has coconut oil conditioners in it and seems to do the trick. Just to remind you though it will not kill the eggs and you will have another hatch in 5-10 days. I fought this for several months this winter in my breeder pens, never had an issue before in 6 years of raising chickens.......... I was hesitant to use frontline and Sevin as my vet recommended I try less toxic things first. Permethrin and DE dust every 7 days was not solving it so I resorted to the bath every 7 days, took 4 baths to rid them of the mites. I have one Cock who had them up near his head so the bath did not completely resolve it as I was carefull with the soap in that area and probably did not do it thoroughly enough. I am now dusting him with Sulfur powder which I think has done the trick. It is inexpensive and in my research, they don't become resistant to it as easily as permethrin and carbaryl (sevin). I hope you get this resolved and never have to deal with it again, the mites are nasty!!!!
They are about three months old...I took this picture a few days ago, I thought it might help give an idea of their size and your experience with letting them out. Thanks for everyone's input and

advice! And We purposely got our puppy at the same time as our chicks so they would grow up together. She thinks she IS a chicken LOL !! (She won't get much bigger than them :))

So it looks like I'm not going to get the chance to wash them tonight... We haven't even picked up the stuff yet. Would it be okay if I did it early tomorrow morning? I don't want them to be chilled tonight anyways.
Their feather close to the skin stay damp for a while, even after you've blow dried them, so keep them indoors and out of drafts. They seem to love warm baths.

I don't blow dry my smooth feathered birds, only the Frizzles as blow drying smooth feathered birds make the feathers brittle and breakable. I do keep them inside though for a good two hours and then they go out in the shop which is very warm as I have two brooders out there. I picked up coconut oil to get off shell casings and we are going to by the pet store to get some Frontline as Safeway didn't have it like I thought they did.
They are about three months old...I took this picture a few days ago, I thought it might help give an idea of their size and your experience with letting them out. Thanks for everyone's input and

advice! And We purposely got our puppy at the same time as our chicks so they would grow up together. She thinks she IS a chicken LOL !! (She won't get much bigger than them :))

thats way to adorable
Just got done washing the birds with mites. It was weird, I didn't see any live ones or casings. I dusted them again and am waiting for them to dry before I check again for casings and mites and put on the Frontline. While they are drying I am planning on cleaning their pen (for the second time this week). Tomorrow night I'm checking for more mites and deciding if I should go to the show or not.

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