
Oh, that will be good if he is on the big size, he is gonna be the "protector" of the layer flock. I may show him as AOV so my Silkie can have a quarantine buddy in the fall. Hoping to show at Chehalis.

He won't be huge - probably around 3 pounds, at most - but that's still big for a bantam. Have you been handling him daily? That will be very, very important for when he's older and you show him. My cockerel wasn't handled before I got him and he's calmed down some since I've got him, but it was very difficult at the show caging him and catching him to do some last minute conditioning. Judges will also pick a calm bird over a wild one when deciding Champion Row.

I don't do facebook - so guess I'm out of luck. I was hoping to find some New Hampshire pullets.

I guess I'll look elsewhere!
I just sold all my non-breeder quality pullets. I have German New Hampshires, will be breeding them in the Fall (they are 6 mos. old now) so should have hatching eggs maybe by the Fall Swap and chicks and eggs by 2014 Spring Swap.
I do handle him, but not a lot yet. He is only 8 weeks. And I don't ever expect him to win anything, let alone make it to Champ row. Just gonna be a companion and help with getting SplashLR recognized. 3lbs is good, my hatchery layers range from 4-6lbs. I had to re-home Pig Pen(Huge 13lb Orp rooster) because he was just too big. Now the Silkies get handled a lot and are becoming comfortable with being carried around and not having anything under their feet.
I do handle him, but not a lot yet. He is only 8 weeks. And I don't ever expect him to win anything, let alone make it to Champ row. Just gonna be a companion and help with getting SplashLR recognized. 3lbs is good, my hatchery layers range from 4-6lbs. I had to re-home Pig Pen(Huge 13lb Orp rooster) because he was just too big. Now the Silkies get handled a lot and are becoming comfortable with being carried around and not having anything under their feet.

That's good. I bought two Seramas yesterday (not sure when you saw me, but at one point I was carrying the cockerel around for a while) and was told he was "wild." He certainly isn't wild. When showing Seramas, attitude and showy-ness is very important, as the bird simply flapping their wings or raising their hackles can mean 25 extra points. Too the breeder he is "wild", but he's certainly one of the calmest roosters I've ever dealt with. I feel like it was good investment, especially just because of his coloring. Keep handling your Silkies, (I'm sure you know the proper way to hold a bird) like a judge would, and they should be ready when you show them.

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