
Oh boy. At least one, possibly two or three of my BBB Turkeys are laying.

Part of me wants to do the First Eggs Happy Dance ...

Part of me wants to pull pages out of the calendar so that it's already Thanksgiving. I want to sell the turkeys now, but nobody wants to buy the turkeys now.
Oh boy. At least one, possibly two or three of my BBB Turkeys are laying.

Part of me wants to do the First Eggs Happy Dance ...

Part of me wants to pull pages out of the calendar so that it's already Thanksgiving. I want to sell the turkeys now, but nobody wants to buy the turkeys now.

Are they hens ? Are they Bronze broad breasted ? and how old
Yes. Broad Breasted Bronze hens. They arrived as babies on 25 April 2013. That makes them almost exactly 20 weeks old, right? Nearly 5 months ... Right now I think we have 10 each hens and toms.

Here is a video of them on day one here at the farm ...
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Yes. Broad Breasted Bronze hens. They arrived as babies on 25 April 2013. That makes them almost exactly 20 weeks old, right? Nearly 5 months ... Right now I think we have 10 each hens and toms.

Here is a video of them on day one here at the farm ...

How much for 2 live hens I have an amazing Bronze Heritage male i wonder if we could breed them .
My turkeys are in a totally different area or i should say Marks turkeys he leaves my chickens alone i leave his turkeys alone .
they get tested next week .

I am looking for Eggs Preferrably Dark Brahma and anything that is laying I also Prefer them to be Clean and Clear is Disease . Let me know what you have I wil only accept eggs and many Issues do not carry to the egg but MG does so .................................. was a bad sad week for me
How much for 2 live hens I have an amazing Bronze Heritage male i wonder if we could breed them . 
My turkeys are in a totally different area or i should say Marks turkeys he leaves my chickens alone i leave his turkeys alone . 
they get tested next week . 

I am looking for Eggs Preferrably Dark Brahma and anything that is laying I also Prefer them to be Clean and Clear is Disease . Let me know what you have I wil only accept eggs and many Issues do not carry to the egg but MG does so .................................. was a bad sad week for me 

That sucks about the eggs you had being infected. :(

We are selling the birds by Live Weight, which would make them expensive! I think we decided on $3.25/lb live weight ... and they are 20-ish lbs. If that interests you I can try to figure out which ones are laying ... there is one that thinks she is a lap cat and likes to be "fluffed". Turkeys are amazing.

But ... I've never had my flock tested for anything, and I would HATE to give you another problem. You want to think about it and let me know?

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