
I've heard of several people going with sand. I guess it's a good thing if you are one to keep the poop cleaned up. I go a more natural way. Our run is a dirt floor and I currently have a nice thick layer of straw covering it. The girls have a BLAST digging through it catching bugs. I haven't noticed to much poop but I think that's because the girls sift the straw around so much the the poop falls down to the dirt level. Stays pretty dry too, well not muddy anyways lol.
Good luck. I hope it works for you :)
I use straw and make a point of turning it at least 3 times a week. I haven't had issues with it yet...but this is my first winter. A lot could change in how I do things in the coming months....
My girls do a lot of the turning for me. But if I see it compacting I do rake the straw about. It's been a rainy few days, and it's nice to be able to walk into the run without slipping in the mud.
I use hay and sawdust/shavings in my main covered area and coop, both have concrete flooring, natural/native dirt is in the outdoor run, which we'll close off and re-seed this spring.
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Salem area - did anyone see the backyard chickens article in the Statesman Journal today? I can't access the article text online cuz I keep getting a "your 7 day free trial has ended" response, none of my neighbors get paper delivery, and I JUST got back from the store but totally forgot to snag a copy of the paper (my luck!). I'm curious to know if the city is trying to change something or if it was just about the popularity of backyard chickens?
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