
I use straw and make a point of turning it at least 3 times a week. I haven't had issues with it yet...but this is my first winter. A lot could change in how I do things in the coming months....
Yes this is my first winter too. It gets wet in the part of the yard where we placed the coop. So far I'm thrilled with the sand. It looks drier. Not caked and muddy. The girls feet look way cleaner and drier so far too. I have yet to try and rake it out for cleaning. But I'm hoping that's less work than hauling out the shavings I was using. Still using shavings in the coop though. Sand is just in the run. But I'm with ya... Lots could change in the next few months!!
Not from Salem, but if nobody replies you could check the library.
If one is dead yes but they normally take blood in live animals and Mouth swabs and nose swabs they did every hole in my chickens and turkeys . Even the toms and rooster they felt very violated AND I BAD FOR THEM .

Does anyone here Use Payback chick starter ? I just sent some AB to the lab wondering if its the food or what but the new chicks i bought started dieing an hr after feeding them the New bag they where Fine for 3 Weeks on it i called the company and they basically told me no one had issues then told all the people who had the food not to sell it so they can keep it Isolated , I am so happy they did because that actually means the company cares , not like IAMS , Purina and the other common recalls .
If one is dead yes but they normally take blood in live animals and Mouth swabs and nose swabs they did every hole in my chickens and turkeys . Even the toms and rooster they felt very violated AND I BAD FOR THEM .

Does anyone here Use Payback chick starter ? I just sent some AB to the lab wondering if its the food or what but the new chicks i bought started dieing an hr after feeding them the New bag they where Fine for 3 Weeks on it i called the company and they basically told me no one had issues then told all the people who had the food not to sell it so they can keep it Isolated , I am so happy they did because that actually means the company cares , not like IAMS , Purina and the other common recalls .

I use payback feeds, non-medicated crumbles for the babies.

Did you lose chickens again I hope not. We use payback I'm pretty sure it is the chick starter we dump the whole bag into

two different buckets and got rid of the bag, I do not remember for sure the name I do know it was pay back.


Did you lose chickens again I hope not. We use payback I'm pretty sure it is the chick starter we dump the whole bag into

two different buckets and got rid of the bag, I do not remember for sure the name I do know it was pay back.


Payback AB chick starter i sent food and New chicks to Lab YES i lost the ones i just bought to replace the ones Everything new Brooder 1200 bucks new water and feeders for chicks always i throw them away after each use . i called the company to let them know IM like AM I Cursed or what these chicks where Dark Brahmas from show stock Guy has NPIP and tested for Everything on his own before getting his Cert Sent me the chicks 1 week old 27 beautiful Mix one Hour after feeding them they started dieing and he used Payback chick starter AB as well.

here in florence i have found Mold in the food so i started chopping at Mini pet mart and Pro lumber instead of the local feed store since the old man sold it there has been many issues many stop shopping there they owe me Moneys too so ?

I keep the Bag But Dump the food into a 30 g tubaware like container The company is great when i called them they immediatly called the place in hubbard oregon that makes it and Put out the info to the place i got it . I am happy with them for that not happy since the lab is 75 for the 3 nucroptsys and the food being tested is more when i get the results i will post to the company so they can also now the guy wanted to stop by and get the remainder but i called my attorney so he can be here , the chicks cost me 300.00 total lost 17 10 here 5 not doing good 5 doing great they are eating cooked oat meal and rice as well as garden veggies WOW they love Squash

I sent the chicks in Just in case it was not the food . I think im pretty done we have 4 people who have birds here im the only one that had chickens , turkeys and Quail they have pigeons , doves and pheasants and talk about beautiful.
there are a few falcons up the hill a guy raises but they do not even land they are let out to fly daily beautiful as well .
i think the faster i get this place ready to sale the better i am so tired of this area
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Just wondering what everyone here in Oregon does to get ready for our winter rain and wind. I'm on the coast and this is my first winter having chickens. So far we have put up 2 wooden panels with plastic under the hen house to give the girls some added shelter and added the camo roof to their coop to help keep the rain out.


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