
Here it is...had to look up the Pic of the Week back in 2009. Two chickens in every pot!

So sweet! Thank you for sharing.
Getting sand for our run today! Even thou we lined our run with plastic liners our run has been very wet. I am hoping this will take care of our problem and help with the drainage....
We have found that sand works very well : ) I am trying to picture "plastic liners" and wouldn't that hold in moisture? What base do you have under your current bedding? 'Just curious.
For now we have shavings in the coop itself, but just dirt in the run. Liners cover only two sides of the coop and and we have a tarp that covers little over half the roof area. Our run is 8'x12'. Sure hope by adding sand it will help with drainage......
Thanks : ) I think we will put a little sand gravel mix just outside our barn to help with drainage. Since the rains returned and dampened all the fallen maple leaves and dirt it is turning rather slippery.
I have to agree with Matt here.  And on your Faverolles, if he's smaller than a Sussex by much, he's too small for his breed as well.
There really isn't much size difference between the breeds, but I only had 3 favs and like 10 Sussex roos so I was thinking that was affecting my favs already docile demeanor. My Sussex dressed out at 17 weeks at 3.5 lbs. I hardly doubt my best fav would dress out like that since he's so wonderfully fluffy :) I'll post pics tmrw though so y'all can weigh in on my survivors.

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