
I didn't realize you were so close! Dorris Ranch is one of my favorite places to walk. I used to have family that lived in that big old house. :)
Beautiful pictures!
We are close :) & the old houses are beautiful ( in that historic way ) . Did your fam live in the main house right as you pull in or the other one off to the right as you start to walk to the path? I love walking there & pisgah - 2 amazing places & just minuets away.
<<Originally Posted by BrendaJ
A couple snapshots i took today on my walk at Dorris Ranch :) >>
Beautiful pics! I'll have to look up where Dorris Ranch is. Hoping to be on my way moving to Roseburg next week. ;-)

Dorris ranch is on the edge of Springfield - it would be about 1 1/2 hrs drive from Roseburg. Dorris Ranch & Mount Pisgah are 2 places you should check out - beautiful nature walks.
I was wondering if any of you know how to deal with Dragon's Head? (it's a prolific toxic plant spread by wild bird droppings). I'm adding a photo since I could even be calling it by the wrong name. In bloom it sends up a single stalk with orange-red 'beads' the size of an ear of corn. We've been digging them up, bagging them and throwing them in the trash, but they are sprouting up in more places : (
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I was wondering if any of you know how to deal with Dragon's Head? (it's a prolific toxic plant spread by wild bird droppings). I'm adding a photo since I could even be calling it by the wrong name. In bloom it sends up a single stalk with orange-red 'beads' the size of an ear of corn. We've been digging them up, bagging them and throwing them in the trash, but they are sprouting up in more places : (
looks and sounds like Arum...a pain to get rid of! Don't rototil it, that spreads it. The best thing is to dig up every single plant. It took two seasons to get it out of our yard, but we had tilled the area, not knowing any better...
Arum will stay in one place though and animals know better than to eat it, chickens included. so if you only have the one plant and children that won't eat or play with it, it can be a decorative perennial if you maintain it.
Thank you, Lesslea,
Arum italicum matches the plant in Google images. http://www.about-garden.com/a/en/3600-arum-italicum-lords-and-ladies/

My family would howl at the suggestion of using it in bouquets! I guess we are the allergic type. The neighbor that labeled it Dragon's Head seems to have been mistaken. Other names for our pushy plant: Italian lords & ladies, large cuckoopint, marbled arum, the willy lily, Aaron's pen, and Aaron's staff per http://www.thepoisongarden.co.uk/atoz/arum_italicum.htm and thankfully, it sounds like the toxicity was also exaggerated. Our goats have left it alone for years. Ditto the peafowl, cats, and dogs.

I will continue digging it up and throwing it away to offset the risks.
It seems to take over and little children sampled it in the past : ( That is when I began to think of it as an enemy! The other plant that we fight is nightshade since 1991 when our 4th child mistook it for something yummy and we had to call Poison Control for advice. This image is from the British Columbia Drug and Poison Info Center:

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