
My younger two children would wear their muck boots to the library if I didn't stop them at the house door! Years ago we picked up a pair for everyone à la "Yours, Mine and Ours" at the feed store and we keep them in a clean Rubbermaid trash can when they are not drying out or in use. Along the way we have been given assorted rain boots and they just don't hold up as well. You need traction in the mud between November and March/April depending on the year. It was quite an adjustment from Southern California (barefoot year round).

I want muck boots SO bad. SO bad. These are the ones I want: http://www.bogsfootwear.com/shop/style/60153-001.html Though, as usual, I do wish they'd take the women's line as seriously as the men's and make really warm/sturdy/comfortable-for-standing-walking-all-day work boots for us, too. I guess women deserve tired/cold/crushed feet? (I'd get a pair of men's boots, but I want the handles at the top.)

I do not know why I deny myself this pleasure, but I do.
Hi everybody. And welcome new chicken friends!!

Been busy with holidays birthdays and kiddos. I've been lurking though. And I do have a question...

Only 2 out of my 6 have stopped laying. I see feathers but no homely looking molters. Is that usual? I'm not complaining as I'm still getting 2-4 eggs a day. Just curious.

Thanks all and happy Fall!
I want muck boots SO bad. SO bad. These are the ones I want: http://www.bogsfootwear.com/shop/style/60153-001.html Though, as usual, I do wish they'd take the women's line as seriously as the men's and make really warm/sturdy/comfortable-for-standing-walking-all-day work boots for us, too. I guess women deserve tired/cold/crushed feet? (I'd get a pair of men's boots, but I want the handles at the top.)

I do not know why I deny myself this pleasure, but I do.

I have these and I LOVE them. Well, I found mine on clearance, and they have daisy's on them. Not my first choice by any means, but they get the job done, they're comfortable and I have never slipped in them. I bought them in size 9.5 (my normal size is 9-9.5) and they're a little tight depending on the socks, I wish I had bought them in size 10.
I havent seen them at wilco personally but Coastal has them

I have seen Boggs brand at Wilco. Maybe not that exact boot ... They have plenty of muck boots at Wilco ... I just need to give myself permission to invest in some. Not only have my rubber garden clogs sprung a serious leak, but they eat the socks off my feet. My feet are so sad.

I think I'll buy the boots a size up so I can wear thick warm and cushy socks. If anyone is feeling generous, I'll take an 8.
Karen, ours seemed to be slacking off until we added a timer to the light and now production has picked up. We had ten eggs from the twelve hens yesterday. Our first green egg, too. We set the light to come on at about 5 a.m.

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