
Karen, ours seemed to be slacking off until we added a timer to the light and now production has picked up. We had ten eggs from the twelve hens yesterday. Our first green egg, too. We set the light to come on at about 5 a.m.

Can I ask where you got the timer from? I am considering adding a light to my run. I would like to use a battery powered LED light so I don't have to run an extension cord, but does the timer itself require electricity?
Hi everybody. And welcome new chicken friends!!

Been busy with holidays birthdays and kiddos. I've been lurking though. And I do have a question...

Only 2 out of my 6 have stopped laying. I see feathers but no homely looking molters. Is that usual? I'm not complaining as I'm still getting 2-4 eggs a day. Just curious.

Thanks all and happy Fall!

Mine slowed down a lot last year -- first winter, so no official molt. They are slowing down this year, too ... and the older birds have been molting. I have some younger birds in my flock ... I have zero clue who lays what egg. TBH, I don't even know how many birds I have! My laying rate is maybe 20% -30% at the moment ... and dropping. We are on a hillside with great light (SE exposure), and I do believe that helps a LOT. My coop is greenhouse plastic, so they get all the daylight nature has to offer. I don't add extra.
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Farmer Viola,
Certainly! We purchased the timer at Home Depot (but it is on a better sale at True Value/Wilco just now $3.99) and Costco is selling it in a 2-pack now for less, also. Oh, well, dh was at Home Depot the day I asked for one. I asked for a mechanical timer with a grounded (3 prong) style that plugs into an electrical outlet in our barn, so yes, it does take electricity.

It is awfully easy to change the timer by pushing in or pulling out a pin.
Farmer Viola,
Certainly! We purchased the timer at Home Depot (but it is on a better sale at True Value/Wilco just now $3.99) and Costco is selling it in a 2-pack now for less, also. Oh, well, dh was at Home Depot the day I asked for one. I asked for a mechanical timer with a grounded (3 prong) style that plugs into an electrical outlet in our barn, so yes, it does take electricity.

It is awfully easy to change the timer by pushing in or pulling out a pin.

Thanks very much!
On the subject of footwear...One daughter's boots were pretty when their lovely water lily pattern prevailed and another daughter showing her California gene for comfortable bare feet.


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