
I actually do take vitamin d! I went through a seasonal depression after moving here from Ohio. I am totally fine! Me personally I do not mind the rain, I can see the beauty in it.

I just hate the rainy months with my flock, they are always wet and I just worry about them.
Would you be able to build more shelter for them? We are quite fortunate to have many dry places for the girls to hang out. Some of the hens are currently on our breezeway looking in at us.
They have two full size dog houses which some chose to be in. Also there are two giant tarped areas. But they hang out in the rain....they have done it since I have had them. Drives me crazy. Lol.
My Red Star Brandi started laying right on cue at 20 wks laid one egg a day everyday for 25 days (including one double yolk) and then just stopped! We are at day 5 with NO egg. She's not molting, seems healthy and happy, no new behaviors... I just don't get it. The coop is lit. ( I already know there is a difference of opinion on this). They are on a good layer feed, plus greens, extra grains, yogurt, ACV in their water...sigh.
Any thoughts?
Pull on the raincoat, rainpants and muck boots :)  I grew up in Vancouver, BC, moved to Oregon when i was 19.  The rain here is minimal in comparison..............

Agreed, the closer you get to California the better, southern Oregon is just about right IMO :)
We lived in the Redmond, WA area back in the early 80s...so much rain. Hoping Roseburg will be just the right balance between that and this hot, extremely dry desert that is inland So Cal.
Is there any chance that she has a hidden nest? Two of our girls hid eggs under the goats' bedding for a few days. I spent a few mornings sipping my coffee out by the barn and placing them back in the nesting boxes and they conformed.
Is there any chance that she has a hidden nest? Two of our girls hid eggs under the goats' bedding for a few days. I spent a few mornings sipping my coffee out by the barn and placing them back in the nesting boxes and they conformed.

I wondered the same thing so I keep checking under the coop and in every corner of the coop...nothin'!
Is there anyone in the central/eastern Oregon area that has baby chicks available right now? Preferably within about three hours of Fossil (my transportation options are limited, as I can't afford a vehicle that can be driven out of town).

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