
I'm not sure what I thought would happen free ranging this bird. I got her from the shelter, after all.


My biggest concern is actually that she might be broody in the bushes somewhere. We've got racoons out in our blackberries.
They should be just about out of molt and starting to lay again, but we haven't seen ANY eggs since late september.
But sad.

Did you read over in the Dels from Kathy thread ... one of your pullets gave me an egg!
Yes, I am very jealous :) I only have two pullets I will breed as well and only one I really like. I have two cockerals to breed them too and my goal as well is to get as many on the ground as possible to choose from for breeders next year. Having so many on the ground I often can't see the forest for the trees but it is amazing the variety of offspring one will get from a single mated pair and you need the numbers to pick from in a project breed stage where these Dels. are at.

I still have two very nice BCM Cocks to work with but was so anticipating the results from the Cocks offspring over his daughters. Oh well, his son's will be a busier boys this season :)
But sad.


I think I'm gonna lock them all down tonight after dark. The longer I think about it, the more I think they really should be laying again and the bushes probably have a ton of eggs.

I'm gonna keep 'em in the coop for 3-4 days and see if anyone has any eggs in their system.

Has anyone ever had a bird go broody in the bushes before?

I think I'm gonna lock them all down tonight after dark. The longer I think about it, the more I think they really should be laying again and the bushes probably have a ton of eggs.

I'm gonna keep 'em in the coop for 3-4 days and see if anyone has any eggs in their system.

Has anyone ever had a bird go broody in the bushes before?
Out in the tall hayfield before it was cut and a few others that I never could find where they were hiding :)
Dang dang dang. The neighbor just came over to tell me that his dog ate her...
I feel as bad for him as I do the bird. He's clearly a bit shaken over it all.
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here are some of the eggs i got when Zanna brought me 4 dozen of the cleanest eggs ever have to admit i was a bit jelouse .
I made the mistake and bought some birds Dark brahmas from a breeder and found out he gave me MG

Talk about in tears as i hatched the Marans and not the Wellies because i actually was helping a guy out he wanted the marans and it was my fault my bator went haywire . Cay chewed the cord so i barrowed a incubator and hatched his marans wish i would of gotten them all i nthe bator NOW i want Some Healthy happy chicks like i got from Zanna before but wth the MG i wanna do 2 more cleanings this spring to Make sure its GONE GOME GONE... Loosing a rooster that litterally was a gift that would give hugs and then crawl into my arms and turn over like a baby was the toughest i named him patron . never in my life had i had a tame rooster .. I know they are not filthy dirty but it was muddy in my yard and nice and dry with a clear tarp over the 12x12 dog kennel to help them stay warm still didnt keep the eggs clean OH the photo is MY EGGS Zannas where read below LOL

anyway here is the pic Zannas eggs came to me like she fresh Squeezed each hen for them LOL
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I think I'm gonna lock them all down tonight after dark. The longer I think about it, the more I think they really should be laying again and the bushes probably have a ton of eggs.

I'm gonna keep 'em in the coop for 3-4 days and see if anyone has any eggs in their system.

Has anyone ever had a bird go broody in the bushes before?
YES! In the bushes, and on the porch, and under the tarp covering my compost pile, and in a bucket, and on top of the table saw...

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