
Some of the ladies perched... They want to peck mother nature !!!!!! They wont come out of the coop/run.. Done with all the snow & ice
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My chickens are not happy with mother nature & all this snow .... :cd

My 5 girls aren't all that thrill either. Half the run is covered in snow! But at least they have the 2' clearance under the coop where it's dry. And they are having a good 'ol time scratching and digging under there. They still "dogpile" at night so I'm not to worried about them keeping warm. I guess I just feel lucky were are still getting 4 or 5 eggs a day from them.
My 5 girls aren't all that thrill either. Half the run is covered in snow! But at least they have the 2' clearance under the coop where it's dry. And they are having a good 'ol time scratching and digging under there. They still "dogpile" at night so I'm not to worried about them keeping warm. I guess I just feel lucky were are still getting 4 or 5 eggs a day from them.
Mine have the coop & part of the run so they are "dealing with It " lol. Not happy though because there is no free range activity - makes for unhappy fluff butts. Eggs are still coming on our end as well so super happy there. This weather is just nuts
Hello Oregon peeps! I am not yet an Oregonian but my husband and I are in the process of relocating from California. I am excited but a little nervous too. We are looking to buy in the Salem area. I currently have a flock of about 40 chickens. I have a breeder flock and layer flock. I am currently breeding BBS Copper Marans, BLR Wyandottes and Lavender AMs. That's just a little background info about me. I came on here though to see if anyone in the Salem area wanted to share their experiences about raising chickens in the area (pros and cons) and also just to hopefully make some friends. I am a little worried about moving somewhere that I know no one! I'm looking forward to having the time to read through this thread. Thanks in advance for any replies!

(P.S. Is it true Oregonians hate Californians?)
I hope that your move goes smoothly, Morgen. I think that the anti-Californian sentiment has faded in the last 20 years. In the 80s many Californians brought their money from the profit of homes sold in California and bought the nicest homes here sparking jealousy. It was a real problem in some areas.
Hello Oregon peeps! I am not yet an Oregonian but my husband and I are in the process of relocating from California. I am excited but a little nervous too. We are looking to buy in the Salem area. I currently have a flock of about 40 chickens. I have a breeder flock and layer flock. I am currently breeding BBS Copper Marans, BLR Wyandottes and Lavender AMs. That's just a little background info about me. I came on here though to see if anyone in the Salem area wanted to share their experiences about raising chickens in the area (pros and cons) and also just to hopefully make some friends. I am a little worried about moving somewhere that I know no one! I'm looking forward to having the time to read through this thread. Thanks in advance for any replies!

(P.S. Is it true Oregonians hate Californians?)

What are Lavendar AMs? Americauna?
I hope that your move goes smoothly, Morgen. I think that the anti-Californian sentiment has faded in the last 20 years. In the 80s many Californians brought their money from the profit of homes sold in California and bought the nicest homes here sparking jealousy. It was a real problem in some areas.

Thank you for that bit of history! I had no idea, I can totally understand that!

What are Lavendar AMs? Americauna?

Yes, Ameraucanas. I love my Ams! I also have Black and Wheatens in my laying flock. (As well as EEs)

I agree,I don't think that's the case anymore! Salem is a very nice area and I hope you find your forever home here in Oregon! Welcome!

Thanks Iwonderwhy! Everyone I know has been telling me that Oregonians won't be welcoming to a Californian, good to hear that that's not true! (I think some of them are trying to persuade me to stay)
I certainly hope so! But things are kind of up in the air right now and I honestly don't know. It has taken me a long time (and a lot of money) to get together the breeders I have. I would hate to not be able to bring them.

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